Home Health 10 Reasons Why You Should Be Sleeping Next To Someone You Love

10 Reasons Why You Should Be Sleeping Next To Someone You Love

10 Reasons Why You Should Be Sleeping Next To Someone You Love

10 reasons why sleeping next to someone you love and cuddling with them makes you fall asleep faster, reduces depression, and helps you live longer.

1. One of the best feelings

Sleeping next to someone is one of the closest and most romantic things you can do to your partner. It is more than mere intimacy, it is a comforting message, it tells your partner that you are there for them and they are safe with you in your arms, they are warm and protected. Studies have shown that couples who hug more often are happier and have a better life together because they share a new level of comfort and love that even sex can’t bring.

2. The facts are right there

Studies have shown that couples who tend to cuddle daily tend to last longer and live an exclusive Life together. Couples who don’t do this prove not to be exclusive because cuddling is much better than Sex if your partner is only interested in sex and if you ever ask them to just cuddle, they don’t last very long.

3. It kills the cravings

In fact, some research has even found that cuddling can help reduce all kinds of cravings. From smoking and overeating to all bad habits in general, these cravings seem to decrease when a couple is cuddling. This is a great way to help proactively combat bad habits.

4. A new level of communication

Famous therapists have gone on and on about how cuddling and snuggling bring you closer to your Partner. Because when you are in the warm arms of your loved one, you tend to be on a whole new level of communication, it is a way of letting them know that you are there for them and that you are in it for the long term. You may even be silent while hugging, but you’ll both be smiling. Hug!

5. Best for Busy Schedules

We all tend to get busy with work and life in today’s competitive world, sleeping with your life partner helps make up for lost time. When going through an insanely busy work day, there is no sweeter feeling than being in your Partner’s arms and telling them all about your day and hearing about how your day went. It doesn’t get more comfortable than that.

6. Helps to Stop Depression

It is scientifically proven that when you sleep next to your partner, your body releases a hormone called Oxytocin. Oxytocin is the hormone responsible for making you feel happy and good about yourself, once in the loving arms of your partner, your body is continuously releasing oxytocin, which automatically makes you smile and makes you forget all the bad things. Stay happy and hug more!

7. Helps maintain blood pressure

Research has shown that affection is a great way to maintain blood pressure. While the stress of everyday life can raise blood pressure for some people, cuddling with a partner can help combat this problem. In general, couples are calmer and more relaxed when they lie next to their loved one. This sense of calm helps lower blood pressure and keep it at a healthy level.

8. You wake up smiling

When you sleep in the comfortable arms of your lover, you wake up in the happiest state possible. When you wake up happy, you tend to have an awesome day ahead of you. Waking up hugging is one of the most Fantastic feelings in the world, so why wait? Pamper yourself!

9. The Best Possible Sleep

When you cuddle, you sleep better. Because cuddling helps your body stop the release of a hormone called Cortisol. Cortisol is a hormone that releases all feelings of stress in your body. So by blocking Cortisol and releasing oxytocin, you are in the healthiest, happiest state possible!

10. Be happy with each other

Studies have proven that couples who cuddle more tend to be more satisfied and happy with each other. They tend to trust each other to a higher level, no matter where they are. And they feel a whole new level of Exclusivity with their partners that doesn’t happen with anything else. So hugging makes you happy, keeps you healthy, and keeps you satisfied with each other, so stop reading and go get your partner right now!

Source:relrules.com, ng.opera.news, apost.com