Home Love Animals 22 dangerous foods for dogs

22 dangerous foods for dogs

Dogs are “special” members of our family, and we want to give them the best. However, some foods that are safe for humans can be threatening or even d3adly for them. In this article, we’ll collect 22 most dangerous foods for dogs and why dogs should avoid them.

1. Chocolate

Chocolate consists of theobromine and caffeine, substances that are dangerous to dogs. It leads to vomiting, diarrhea, rapid heart rate, and, in severe cases, seizures or death.

2. Grapes and raisins

These fruits can cause kidney failure in dogs, even in small quantities.

3. Onion and garlic

They encompass compounds that can damage dogs’ red blood cells, causing anemia.

4. Avocado

Avocado consists of persin, a toxin that can cause digestive and respiratory problems in dogs.

5. Alcohol

Even in small doses, alcohol can cause neurological problems, vomiting, diarrhea, and in extreme cases, coma or death.

6. Caffeine

Found in coffee, tea, and energy drinks, caffeine can be threatening to dogs, causing rapid heart rate and seizures.

7. Cooked bones

They can easily splinter and cause obstructions or perforations in the digestive tract.

8. Xylitol

This artificial sweetener, found in chewing gum and sugar-free products, can lead to liver failure and a dangerous drop in blood sugar.

9. Milk and dairy products

Many dogs are lactose intolerant, which can result in diarrhea and digestive problems.

10. Raw bread dough

The yeast in raw dough can expand in the dog’s stomach, leading to bloating and serious digestive problems.

11. Stone fruits (peach, plum, cherry)

Bone can result in intestinal obstruction and consists of cyanide, a toxic substance.

12. Green tomatoes and tomato leaves

They consists of solanine, a toxic substance that can cause digestive and neurological problems.

13. Wild mushrooms

Some varieties of mushrooms can be highly toxic to dogs, affecting the liver and nervous system.

14. Macadamia nuts

They can result in weakness, vomiting, tremors, and neuromuscular problems in dogs.

15. Raw fish

It may encompass parasites and harmful bacteria that cause digestive problems and illness.

16. Salt

Extra salt consumption can lead to sodium poisoning, leading to extreme thirst, vomiting, and seizures.

17. Fried and greasy foods

They can result in pancreatitis, a painful inflammation of the pancreas.

18. Spicy and hot foods

Condiments can aggravate a dog’s stomach, causing digestive problems and discomfort.

19. Excess liver

In large amounts, liver can cause vitamin A toxicity, damaging the dog’s bones and joints.

20. Apples with seeds

Apple seeds consist of cyanide and can be toxic if consumed in large quantities.

21. Sugary drinks

Sugary drinks can lead to obesity, diabetes, and dental problems in dogs.

22. Raw potatoes and green potato skin

They consist of solanine, a dangerous substance that can cause vomiting, diarrhea, and neurological problems.

What to do if your dog eats dangerous food?

If you see your dog has ingested any of these foods, meet your veterinarian immediately.


Avoiding these 22 dangerous foods can help maintain your dog healthy and safe. Choose a balanced, dog-specific diet, and always meet a veterinarian before providing new foods.

This Is One Of The Most Can.cer-Causing Foods – Stop Eating It!

For illustrative purposes only.

If you take a closer look at what goes into hot dogs and how they are made, you may be surprised to learn that this popular food comes with hidden health risks.

There’s no denying that there’s nothing natural about frankfurters, as they’re a nutritionally depleted processed food. Factories produce them in a highly automated manner at an astonishing rate of 300,000 hot dogs per hour.

Hot dogs are made from a combination of pork, beef, and chicken. The production process involves using leftover cuts from steaks and pork chops, along with “edible” slaughter byproducts such as feet, heads, fatty tissue, and even animal hides.

These ingredients are ground into a thick paste, after which a variety of additives are incorporated to enhance flavor. This includes large amounts of salt, corn syrup, MSG, nitrates, and other chemicals.

For illustrative purposes only.

Flavorings differ by region based on local tastes.

Among them are MSG and carmine, a coloring agent derived from crushed beetles that have been boiled in ammonia or sodium carbonate. Notably, the Department of Agriculture does not require manufacturers to disclose flavorings on labels, allowing for a wide range of undisclosed ingredients.

Studies have also linked processed meats, including hot dogs, to serious health risks. Research from the University of Hawaii found that consuming processed meats increases the risk of pancreatic can.cer by 67%.

One of the most concerning additives in hot dogs is nitrates and nitrites. Even organic hot dogs can contain high levels of these compounds. When exposed to high heat, they react with amines in processed meat to form nitrosamines—chemicals associated with an increased risk of several can.cers, including bladder, pancreatic, colon, and stomach can.cer.

For illustrative purposes only.

According to the American Institute for Can.cer Research, eating just one hot dog per day raises the risk of colorectal can.cer by 21%.

The video below provides an inside look at the hot dog-producing process.