Home Tricks-Tips 3 drops of shampoo in the washing machine drawer: the secret of...

3 drops of shampoo in the washing machine drawer: the secret of laundromats

Have you ever tried adding 3 drops of shampoo to the drawer of your washing machine? It’s the secret of laundromats.

When we get our clothes back professionally washed and ironed, the satisfaction is overwhelming – how we wish we could get the same results at home!

Immaculate, spotless, with vibrant colours and whites, well-stretched fibres and an intoxicating aroma – wearing clothes like these is one of life’s great pleasures.

That’s why, when it comes to washing, we always aim for perfection!

As well as choosing the right detergents and fabric softeners, depending on the characteristics of the fabrics, we pay attention to the temperature, the spin cycle and the right programme, but the result doesn’t always satisfy us.

However, thanks to this clever tip, we’ll always be enthusiastic about our work!

3 drops of shampoo in the washing machine, the secret you need to know

For very clean, fragrant clothes, 3 drops of shampoo in the washing machine drawer is more than enough. They’ll make all the difference!

The reason is instantly understandable. This type of product relaxes and closes the scales of our hair, sealing them in. Eliminates dirt and bacteria. Perfumes and softens. All these features are also very useful when it comes to washing fabrics.

Silk, lace, especially what we fear will be damaged if placed in the drum, will actually find maximum exaltation if washed with the addition of this special detergent and its origin.

Of course, you mustn’t go overboard with the quantities: you really need very little shampoo, and not every time you wash, but only from time to time. You could almost sum it up by saying that what our clothes receive is a cosmetic treatment, which enhances their natural beauty while preserving them.

But if we repeat this process too frequently, indiscriminately, the beautifying action could be almost counter-productive, by stressing the fibres.

As our ancestors used to say, “est modus in rebus”, in other words, there’s a right way to do everything.

We plan to add a few drops of shampoo (maximum 3) to the washer drawer once every two or three cycles. What’s more, the body of the detergent, which is also adhered to the drain pipes, will be able to further dissolve any build-up of dirt, keeping the appliance healthy.

What more can I say? Nothing, you just have to try this secret laundry trick!