Home Health 6 signs you’re sacrificing too much for your partner

6 signs you’re sacrificing too much for your partner

Close relationships require sacrifice. In fact, many people include sacrificing in the very definition of what it means to truly love another person.

And indeed, research has shown that couples are happier and more likely to remain in their relationships if the partners are willing to sacrifice for each other.

Sometimes that sacrifice can be life-changing, such as deciding to move to a different state in order to be with your partner; other times it might be something small and seemingly mundane, such as seeing an action movie instead of the comedy you would have chosen.

Over time this imbalanced pattern of sacrifice may lead to an imbalance of power in your relationship—a recipe for long-term unhappiness and resentment.

But when you do too many sacrifices the relationship becomes toxic. So, have a look at the following and know about the signs say that you are sacrificing too much.

1. Your partner’s happiness seems like a constant chore

If your partner can’t create happiness within him or herself, he or she will most likely turn to you as their source of happiness. This means that you not only have to keep your happiness levels high for yourself.. you have to worry about maintaining someone else’s mood, too. Furthermore, they don’t know how to cultivate it on their own.

2. Always say ‘Sorry’ first

If you always say sorry first when you both fight, it seems you do not continue the fight anymore and want a peaceful bond. But doing it everytime is not right.

You can not say sorry first always even if you are not at fault. This seems you are sacrificing too much in the relationship and your partner has taken you for granted.

3. You don’t feel happy on the inside

You should never compromise your own happiness in order to make a relationship work. By staying in a relationship just because it feels comfortable, not because it feels right, you just prolong your discontentment. Make the courageous and optimal decision to leave any relationship that no longer makes your heart happy. It may hurt in the beginning, but it will pay off in the long run as you meet others who enrich your life.

4. They have asked you to change major things about yourself

Personal growth is terrific, but as we’ve said before, no relationship is worth changing yourself over upon your partner’s request.

Even if you truly and deeply love the person, they obviously don’t genuinely love you if they don’t absolutely adore the person you already are. Vow to step away from any relationship that doesn’t honor your highest self.

5. They have asked you to change major things about yourself

Personal growth is terrific, but as we’ve said before, no relationship is worth changing yourself over upon your partner’s request. Even if you truly and deeply love the person, they obviously don’t genuinely love you if they don’t absolutely adore the person you already are. Vow to step away from any relationship that doesn’t honor your highest self.

6. You don’t support their lifestyle

Does your partner smoke, drink, do drugs, or just live an unhealthy lifestyle in general? While they can make their own decisions, it will unavoidably cause turbulence in a relationship if you don’t share their views. You deserve a partner who wants to go in the same direction as you, so don’t settle for anything less.