Home Tricks-Tips 6 Tips For Growing Avocado In A Pot And Making It Fruit

6 Tips For Growing Avocado In A Pot And Making It Fruit

Trying to grow an avocado plant indoors may pose a difficulty, but with perseverance and employing appropriate methods, it is entirely achievable, even though it may demand more time and effort than cultivating other indoor plants.

Avocado trees flourish in warm climates, as they require a substantial amount of heat for their best growth. However, it is still possible to cultivate them in cooler regions, as long as you protect them from cold temperatures and frost.

Here, we outline essential steps to nurture an avocado plant in a container, ensuring it develops healthily and robustly.

Effective Germination

Firstly, begin by thoroughly cleaning the avocado seed. Insert four toothpicks around its midpoint, allowing you to suspend it over water with its pointed end facing upward. Remember to change the water on a weekly basis to prevent decay.

Expect the seed to sprout in about three weeks. The best season for starting your avocado plant is spring. When the first leaves appear, the seedling is ready to be transferred to a pot.

Selecting the Right Pot

In areas where temperatures frequently drop below 10°C, choose a container that can be effortlessly relocated indoors, as avocado plants are extremely susceptible to cold conditions.

For those living in areas with milder winters, a larger pot outdoors is suitable for your avocado plant.

Optimal Soil Conditions

Avocado plants thrive in acidic soil, ideally within a pH range of 5 to 7. An ideal soil blend consists of equal proportions of peat, coconut fiber, and earthworm castings. Enhance soil aeration by incorporating a scoop of perlite.

Ensure the soil has good drainage capabilities, as avocados are prone to root rot in waterlogged conditions.

Basic Maintenance

Cold Weather Management: Bring the plant inside near a window for adequate light. If kept outdoors, protect it with a thermal covering.

Heat Management: Use burlap to shade the plant, protecting its tender leaves from direct sunlight.

Watering: The container should have efficient drainage. Underwatering will manifest as brown tips on the leaves.


During the warmer months, when the plant is in an active growth phase, producing new shoots, it is the appropriate time to apply fertilizer.

Utilize the same earthworm castings used in your soil mixture. Simply spread it on the surface of the soil in the pot.

Initial Pruning

Once your avocado plant reaches approximately 60 centimeters, usually after a year, prune its tips. This encourages branching and prevents the plant from growing in just one direction.

Source: Garden Growth Tips