Home Moral Stories 9 Family Dark Secrets That Were Meant to Never Be Exposed

9 Family Dark Secrets That Were Meant to Never Be Exposed

Family members are the individuals closest to us in life. We believe we know them inside and out, but sometimes situations arise that make us wonder if we truly comprehend individuals we live with. It serves as a reminder that there is always more to learn and discover, even from those we care about the most.

Story 1:

My father told me that one of my cousins is unrelated to anyone in our family. My aunt and her mother used to work in a hospital’s maternity unit. One day, a mother entered, gave birth to him, and then left the next day without him.
My aunt chose to adopt him, but a few months later, the woman reappeared and inquired about him. They both lied, claiming he had been abandoned and they had no idea where he was. © Existed_/ Reddit

Story 2:

When my uncle suffered a heart att*ck, both his wife and girlfriend showed up to visit him. It turns out that for 30 years, he told his wife that he worked away during the week but stayed with his lover. And informed the girlfriend that he worked on weekends, when he was with his wife and two children. Thirty years! Forgot to mention that he divorced his wife and married his lover. © dbe14 | Reddit

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Story 3:

My mother lied about my stepfather being my father. Only until they split up when I was 13 did she expose the truth, wanting to damage him. He had cheat::ed, therefore she sought to take away what he cherished most: his newborn girl. It was quite harsh and selfish.
At 33, I finally met my biological father. He informed me that my mother had gotten pregnant on purpose to keep him, and that he had always paid child support for me. When I confronted my mother, she refused to respond, refute it, or look me in the eye. © Prettyone_85/Reddit

Story 4:

After my father passed a few months ago, I discovered that he never considered me his daughter (I am adopted and the only kid). He spent over 30 years being envious of me for “taking his wife away.” © bakerella328 | Reddit

Story 5:

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My mother began receiving threats from strange people. My father received messages wa::rning him that my mother was ch*ating on him. They phoned the cops, and there was a massive inquiry. My grandmother, my father’s mother, was the one who set everything up. She recruited individuals to devastate my parents’ marriage. My mother did not file any charges. My parents just chose to relocate to another nation. © Reddit/Clandestinely

Story 6:

My cousin, who is also my best friend, informed everyone at Thanksgiving that he was divorcing his wife. He didn’t seem to be very upset about it. He later told me that he was in love with the babysitter, who also happened to be pregnant with his child. He had stayed with the babysitter while his wife was at work. He got her pregnant and they planned to move in together once his divorce was finalized. I just sat there in sho::ck. I had no notion what to say to him. © guomo107/Reddit

Story 7:

My mother has chea::ted on my father for the entirety of their 30-year marriage. She also only stayed with my father because he received disability payments. She has taken at least $14,600 from my father, as far as I am aware. © Lord_Cassidy | Reddit

Story 8:

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My in-laws passed away in a vehicle accident a few years back. While helping my wife clear up their house, I came across a collection of my late mother-in-law’s journals. They contained information regarding the affairs she had while married to both of her husbands, as well as her suspicion that my wife’s sister was the result of one affair. My wife and I are the only people who know. © Molten_dragon / Reddit

Story 9:

One day, while hanging out at our grandparents’ house, my sister asked, “Grandma, do you remember when I was born?” She replied, “Yes. You were born at the same time as a tornado ripped the roof off our house. No one in the family had ever heard of it, so we called Grandpa and asked him the same question, to which he replied, “Of course I remember when you were born. At the same time, I was repairing our tornado-damaged roof.” We live in Utah. We don’t get tornadoes. But, sure enough, we looked it up and discovered that my sister was born during a random tornado in Utah. © Unknown author/Reddit