Home Health Soak Your Feet In An Ice-Cold Basin For 10-15 Seconds As...

Soak Your Feet In An Ice-Cold Basin For 10-15 Seconds As Soon As You Return Home After Work And See What Happens To Your Body

A popular Moscow professor Sergei Bubnovskiym reveals his innovative method to boost the immune system.

According to him, soaking the legs in an ice-cold bath for 10-15
seconds as soon as you return home after work can strengthen the immune system and help it combat common colds and flu!

As per another English study, the daily showers with cold water increase the numbers of disease-fighting white blood cells.

Namely, the team of researchers at the Britain’s Thrombosis Research
Institute found that as the body attempts to warm itself during and
after the showering with cold water, the metabolic rate is accelerated
and the immune system is activated, and thus causes the increased number of white blood cells.

According to another German study, the occasional winter swim in cold
water leads to oxidative stress. Yet, if this becomes a regular routine,
it causes an adaptive antioxidant response and the body is able to
fight oxidative stress even better as soon as it gets used to cold-water

This is what to do to boost your immune system:

You are advised to pour some cold water in a basin or in the bathtub. Then, add as much ice cubes as you can, and soak the feet in it for 10-15 seconds.

You should repeat this technique every night at bedtime, and you will
strengthen the immune system fast. It is extremely useful in the case
of weak immunity, and those people should soak their feet in the icy
water on every 4 hours.