Home Tricks-Tips How to clean a burnt pan or saucepan and make it like...

How to clean a burnt pan or saucepan and make it like new

It is well known that over time, household objects tend to deteriorate, lose their shine, sometimes even become blackened, moldy or encrusted with stubborn dirt. Pans, pots, household furniture, even clothes and toys are part of the lot. They all deteriorate over time and become almost useless. Should they be thrown away?
Often, we are forced to get rid of them against our will so as not to clutter our storage spaces.

However, there is a way to maintain some of our precious household items so that they last longer.

Can’t stand this darkness in your pans, but not ready to spend money? Don’t worry, we have the solution for you.

Quickly discover this simple DIY trick that will allow you to clean them thoroughly and leave them like new!

How do you clean pots and pans?

If you have pans that have been used rarely, it is almost normal for them to start to darken, become stained and show a crusty appearance.

It is easy to understand that you apprehend its cleanliness. Especially because it is important not to use any type of product. Some simply risk further damage.

To avoid certain fatal mistakes, we are going to simplify your life with this very simple method to use right now!

The trick to cleaning pots and pans

Whether they are pans or pots, grease stains or simple burns can damage them considerably. But it is not inevitable. Your savior: aluminum.

Yes, with a simple ball of aluminum foil, you can bring life back to household items.

I’m sure you already have some at home. All you have to do is take this aluminum foil, roll it into a medium sized ball and start rubbing it all over the surface of the blackened pan or pot .

However, be careful before you start cleaning!

Because it’s not just about rubbing the surface of the pot or pan with the aluminum ball. First you should spray it with a good household cleaner: you can use the one you usually use to wash dishes.

Add a drop or two of dish soap, then start rubbing the surface of the skillet or saucepan with the ball of aluminum foil you made at home.

With a little effort and a lot of patience, you will see that the result is simply spectacular, and that your pans and saucepans will be absolutely like new .

This trick is especially indicated to remove all grease, blackness and burn stains. This way you will keep your pots and pans longer and in perfect condition.

Other uses of aluminum foil

An essential element in our kitchen, aluminum foil helps us in many cases to:

It allows us to maintain the freshness of bread or cakes. Just wrap them in aluminum foil and they are afraid of nothing!
Do you have grease stains in the oven? You can solve this problem with aluminum foil. By covering your oven before using it, you will avoid those annoying stains and save time spent cleaning it.
Is ironing clothes a chore for you? You can make it easier by covering the surface of the ironing board with a sheet of aluminum foil and a tea towel on top. Thanks to this trick, you can iron both sides at the same time!
Another interesting tip: to prevent insects from damaging your flowers, install pieces of aluminum foil in the pots. It’s radical!