Home Tricks-Tips Grapefruit Peel Brings Many Benefits Beyond Our Expectations

Grapefruit Peel Brings Many Benefits Beyond Our Expectations

Grapefruit peels are often a daily waste. However, soaking grapefruit peel in water brings unexpected benefits.

Many people often use grapefruit peel to wash their hair and prevent hair loss. Some people use grapefruit peel to make jam, drinks to lose weight, reduce blood fat, and cure coughs. However, you may not know that grapefruit peel can also be used as dishwashing liquid if soaked according to this recipe.

In addition, grapefruit peel also has a series of other uses in daily life. For example, you can soak grapefruit peels in water to make detergent instead of regular dishwashing liquid.

Steps to soak grapefruit peels to make dishwashing liquid:

Specifically, cut the grapefruit peel into small pieces and put them in a glass jar with a lid. Next, add a few spoons of baking soda and cooled boiled water into it. Cover and place the glass jar in the refrigerator for about a week.

This way, the essential oils in the grapefruit peel will escape quickly and mix with the water. Grapefruit peel itself has the ability to clean, baking soda also has strong cleaning properties. Combining these two things together will create an extremely good detergent that can remove stubborn grease stains without worrying about harming your skin.

Additionally, you can also boil water from grapefruit peel, lemongrass and locust on a low flame until the water is slightly thick and dark black. Wait for the water to cool completely, then filter through a sieve, store the water in a glass jar and use it gradually every time you wash dishes.

Besides, you can also use this water to clean grease stains on gas stoves and kitchen walls. Or clean toilets and sinks, they can both remove stubborn stains and help eliminate odors, so your toilet will be clean and fragrant.

Some other effects of grapefruit peel

– Deodorization

Grapefruit peel has a pleasant aroma, which can mask some unpleasant odors. For example, putting it in the car can eliminate the car’s special odor, and putting it in the refrigerator or toilet can absorb all the unpleasant odors. Or simply hang grapefruit peels in the house, the scent of grapefruit peels will also spread, helping the air in the house to be fresher and fresher.

– Eliminate fishy odor

The fishy smell of fish and seafood is very difficult to deodorize. You can crush the grapefruit peel with your hands to cover up the fishy smell of fish on your hands. Boiling grapefruit peel water to wash fish containers will also remove its stubborn fishy smell.

– Fertilize plants

Grapefruit peel contains many nutrients such as vitamin C, vitamin B6, potassium, magnesium,… which are very good for plant growth. To use grapefruit peels as fertilizer, cut the peels into small pieces, spread a layer of soil into the container, followed by a layer of grapefruit peels, then add a layer of soil. Just keep doing this until you run out of grapefruit peels or the bucket is full.

Add a little water to gradually moisten the soil and grapefruit peel, then cover the container and let it dry in the sun. About 3 months later, when the grapefruit peel has completed the composting process, it is very rich in nutrients, and you can plant it.

More simply, you just need to put the grapefruit peel under the tree. When decomposed, grapefruit peel will become organic fertilizer for plants. In addition, while waiting for decomposition, the smell of grapefruit essential oil also helps repel insects so that they do not dare to move close to the plants.