Find the left-handed person
Here’s today’s challenge. Look at the picture below.

We see five people. They’re all doing something.
One of them, however, is left-handed.
Can you see it? Take your time and pay attention. It is not an easy challenge by any means. You need maximum concentration to solve it. It took my friends and me several minutes to come up with the correct answer.
Can’t see it? Worry not, we’ve got your back.
Here is the correct person
If you don’t have an answer yet, you can check the solution after the picture below!

Number 2, The waiter, is left-handed!
How did we know that?
You usually carry the food tray with the “wrong” hand to efficiently serve guests with your main hand.
Did you get it right? Congratulations to you in that case! Now press that SHARE button below and challenge your friends to a fun challenge today!