Home Tricks-Tips Don’t Discard the Flowers on Your Basil: They’re Gold When Used Like...

Don’t Discard the Flowers on Your Basil: They’re Gold When Used Like This

If you have a basil plant and it has flowers, don’t throw them away because they can be utilized in various ways. Below we’ll show you everything you need to know.

Basil stands out as a highly cherished and extensively employed fragrant herb. Its distinct aroma and taste make it truly special, earning it favor from many individuals. It enhances a variety of dishes, adding an essential touch that is highly valued. Due to its widespread usage, individuals frequently choose to cultivate it in close proximity.

Whether you have a garden or just a simple balcony, simply place a pot and begin to cultivate it. This way, you’ll always have it on hand and won’t need to ask your greengrocer. It will always be fresh, and taking care of it is genuinely straightforward. Just take a few small precautions, and you’re good to go.

However, what you may not know is that you should not throw away basil flowers. In fact, these are also edible, and you can recognize them because they resemble ears, only they’re a bit smaller and thinner. They grow and are generally cut and discarded. Now, we’re going to show you why you should absolutely not throw them away.

Do Not Throw Away Basil Flowers

As we just mentioned, basil has small spikes on each stem where tiny white flowers are present.Typically, these are trimmed when they reach a few centimeters. Indeed, pruning facilitates stem growth, leading to an increased yield of basil leaves.

However, you can cultivate some of these spikes up to a maximum of 10/15 centimeters to be able to use them in the kitchen and beyond. Once they’ve attained this length, you can proceed to trim them. However, exercise caution as these stems are not consumed in their fresh state like the leaves; instead, they require drying first.

So, the spikes are edible but must first be dried. Once they reach a decent length, you can separate them from the basil plant which will continue growing even more and you can put them in the sun for several hours. Ensure there is no wind; otherwise, the spikes will blow away.

Once they are dry, which will take about 48 hours, they can be used in a variety of ways. It is advisable to store this herb in a jar with a lid to preserve its aroma. Let’s explore a straightforward method for using them below.

Basil Vinegar: Here’s How

With the dried spikes, you can obtain basil-infused vinegar by simply pouring the dried spikes into the bottle. Allow everything to infuse for about 7 days and then filter the mixture. Here, you’ve obtained a very simple basil vinegar without going to the supermarket.

Creating a Seedling

With the basil spikes, it is also possible to propagate the basil and give birth to a new seedling. In this case, it is advisable to dry the spikes directly on the plant. As soon as they have rubbed off, then in soft soil mixed with sand. These should always be moist and exposed to the sun.

If you do this in spring or summer, the result is assured. After a few weeks, you’ll see the first leaves appear, and slowly the plant will begin to grow. These are just a few methods to use basil differently, and you should at least try it.

Source: sharingideas.me