Home Tricks-Tips I always use this trick: I put it on my pillow to...

I always use this trick: I put it on my pillow to sleep better!

This is the trick I always use to sleep better! My grandmother taught me this when I was a child, because I had a hard time falling asleep with her and when I spent the nights with her, her advice helped me relax.

A good night’s sleep allows you to start the day well, be lucid, have a relaxed face and delay aging.

But stress, anxiety, overload often prevent us from relaxing. Instead of resorting to specific medications, it is better to use this completely natural, but very effective ploy

I’ll tell you every detail!

I always use this trick: I put it on my pillow to sleep better!

A good, relaxing and delicate aroma, alone is enough to induce a state of relaxation in mind and body, and then start dreaming.

Among all, lavender is known for its calming qualities. Prepare a solution of demineralized water and 4 or 5 drops of lavender oil, pour it into a bottle with the spray nozzle and spray it on the pillow. A feeling of peace and serenity will spread and lull you to sleep.

If you prefer, you can also insert a twig directly into the pillowcase and enjoy a peaceful night, but don’t go overboard with the quantities. My grandmother always said that too much is too much, and she was right!

Likewise, mandarin and lemon balm essential oils are phenomenal.

Choose the scent you prefer, then put a few drops on a cotton ball, then put it on your pillow: you will enjoy a deep and restful sleep.

A similar argument can be made about lemon balm.

Marseille soap is also very useful for this purpose and not only that, it also relieves night cramps. Although it is not scientifically proven, it is common to use it in cases of insomnia. Try putting a loaf at the end of the bed, under the duvet, and then you’ll tell me…

Having said all this, pay close attention to the choice of pillow: it should support the cervical neck well to stretch the spine, but it cannot be too rigid. Comfortable, but resistant, it should welcome you, lull you to sleep. The mattress, at the same time, cannot be too soft to prevent you from sinking in and waking up sore the next day.