Home Tricks-Tips With this method, watering plants while on vacation will no longer be...

With this method, watering plants while on vacation will no longer be a problem.

A quick and easy method allows you to water plants even when you are forced to stay away from home for a while.

Anyone who has one or more plants in the house or garden knows how important it is to pay special attention to watering , in order to make the plants vigorous and luxuriant and to guarantee a long life for the plants. Care and dedication are therefore necessary to be able to fully admire the beauty of your plants.

But what do you do when you have to be away from home for a while? The first thing that comes to mind is to contact a trusted person (friends, relatives, partners, work colleagues) to water the plants. However, there is also a method that allows plants to continue to get the necessary watering even without turning to other people.

How to water your plants when you go on a trip

An electronic irrigation system.

If you have a lot of plants and your living room and balcony are cluttered, the electronic drip irrigation system can be the solution to your problems while you are away. You do not need to connect it to a hose or other mechanism, you only need a container with water in the pump and the timer where you will select the watering time (2 times a day, 3 times a week, once every 10 days…) as well as the amount irrigation.

Birds and bottles

With this method, you can safely let the watering from this little device do its job.

Each plant will have its own little bird (available at DIY stores or garden centers) that you fill with water and plant in the ground. Be careful, if your soil is stony, the risk of blocking the water outlet is very likely. Be careful to remove all objects that could block the water outlets.

How to Ensure Feeding for Your Plants Before You Leave

Adjust light and temperature

The more sunlight your plant receives, the thirstier it will become over time. And this for several reasons. It is no secret that plants use more water during the transpiration process, the rate of which depends on the amount of light received throughout the day. To prevent your plants from wilting in your absence, you can move them a little away from light sources. Place them in the middle of the room so the heat and light from the windows don’t dry them out as quickly as usual. Once back, you can place your plants in their usual location. If you don’t want to move the plants, you can also put a curtain over the window.

Maintain humidity

If you stay on the plane for a week or less, you will have to look carefully at the plants beforehand. Please note that you only have to see the plants with their tier for dry or dry soil. Allow any excess water to drain from your potted plant before leaving, so that the potting soil is moist but your plants are not sitting in a saucer of water, which could attract pests or lead to rot raíces.

Note that this is only necessary for plants that need to be watered once a week or more. Houseplants that are drought tolerant, such as succulents and cacti, will do well for a week or two without water. And during the winter months, when plant growth slows and some plants go dormant, you may not water them fully.

Forget about fertilizer

If you use fertilizer occasionally, be sure not to fertilize your indoor plants until you return from your trip. Above all, do not fertilize your plants in the weeks before you leave. Your plants will grow as slowly as possible while you are away, which will help your plants conserve energy and water.

Trim slightly

In addition to pruning dead, dying, or unhealthy foliage, you can cut back buds and flowers that typically require more frequent watering to stay healthy.