Home Tricks-Tips Put newspaper on the ground in your garden: you will quickly get...

Put newspaper on the ground in your garden: you will quickly get rid of this problem

By getting rid of weeds (unwanted plants) springing up in your garden in their first few weeks of life, you will stop weeds from removing vital nutrients from the soil. Commercial herbicides can help you but maybe you knew they are harmful to the environment.

Have you ever wondered what garden newspapers are for? It turns out to be an effective way to have a prettier garden and get rid of weeds.

These can survive for many years. If they persist, it is because their roots are tough and can survive even if you pull them out. These plants are not only unsightly but can also negatively affect your entire plantings. Fortunately, weeds can be treated effectively. There is a very simple and economical way to do it. For this, all you will need is some newspaper.

Have weeds appeared in your garden?

These plants that grow out of control can be a real problem. Herbicides that control weeds are always toxic to plants and can have a negative effect on the soil if applied in large quantities or used incorrectly.

How about using the newspaper to remedy this problem? This material is ideal for mulching. Simply spread it on the soil between the plants, placing three or four layers. It is recommended not to apply too thick a surface that will cause all the moisture to remain in the soil, thus causing root rot. Newspapers should also be moistened with a small amount of water, preferably from a spray bottle.

Newspaper, an asset against weeds

In this simple and inexpensive way, you can create a protective layer of records, which performs several functions simultaneously. Newspaper prevents unwanted weeds from growing among your plants because it greatly reduces their access to sunlight. It also retains water and slows its evaporation from the substrate. Therefore, it is the perfect solution when temperatures rise!

Newspapers can be safely replaced with cardboard. This way, you will no longer need several layers because just one is enough. Are you worried that spread newspapers will spoil the attractive appearance of your garden? It is enough to put a thin layer of soil, mulch, cut grass or simply branches that will cover this material. Do not forget that for such quilting it is better to use black and white thin paper newspapers.