Home Tricks-Tips Give Your Ornamental Plants A Spoonful Of Sugar Water, And Observe The...

Give Your Ornamental Plants A Spoonful Of Sugar Water, And Observe The Magic Happens.

Not only is it a spice for making food, sugar water is also a great “assistant” for you to take care of ornamental plants in the garden.

Watering with sugar helps bonsai roots become healthier

Maybe you don’t know that when you use sugar water to water ornamental plants, the roots will be stronger and grow better.

This has been correctly evaluated by ornamental plant experts, because white sugar is made from sugar cane.

If you use sugar water to water the plant, it can promote the plant’s metabolism, helping to accumulate nutrients for the plant. develop better.

Use white sugar water to water ornamental plants.

If you water the seedlings, it will help them become stronger and the leaves will grow faster. If you water ornamental plants with green leaves, it will promote photosynthesis, helping the chlorophyll content in the leaves increase, thereby making the leaves green and shiny, without yellowing.

If you use sugar water to water plants during the flowering period, the number of flowers will increase and the flower color will also be more beautiful.

Although it is good, if you want to use sugar water to water ornamental plants, you need to do it properly. Only when the mixing ratio is reasonable can maximum effectiveness be achieved. Specifically, you need to mix the sugar: water ratio = 1: 500 ~ 1000.

Only water ornamental plants 1-2 times a month.

You should only water 1-2 times a month, do not overuse it, otherwise it will cause the opposite effect, because the sugar absorption rate of ornamental plants is not high. Otherwise, the sugar will settle into the ground, attracting insects and other bugs that will affect the plants as well as the family’s living space.

Watering with sugar also helps ornamental plants have fresh flowers for a long time

Before placing flowers in a vase, you can add a little sugar to the water. This spice has the effect of providing more nutrients to flowering ornamental plants, increasing photosynthesis to help flowers stay fresh longer.

In addition, you can also pour a little white sugar into a jar of water with hydroponic ornamental plants. Nutrients in sugar can promote the rooting of ornamental plants, helping them get good growth.

Source: Yeucuocsong