Home Moral Stories People with the following traits are a noble person with true integrity

People with the following traits are a noble person with true integrity

A noble person is someone who has and shows personal qualities that people admire and who decides to behave the way an admirable person would.

In this article, we’ll go into 10 traits of a noble person. Check if you are a nobe person

1) They’re responsible

These people don’t disappear when things get hard; they finish what they started and stick it out, doing the best they can to fulfill their duties.

They’ve got goals, too, and work towards them. They’re goal-oriented and work with energy and purpose, perseverance in hand while they weather the curveballs that life throws at them to reach the goals they’ve set for themselves.

They aren’t quitters and they’re reliable; you can always count on them to do what needs to be done and if they make any mistakes, they don’t pin the blame on anyone else and own up to what they did.

It’s easy to avoid your duties and responsibilities, but a noble person fights that temptation and pushes through anyway.

2. They intentionally live their lives

An admirable person is intentional about their life, defining a purpose for their life and actually putting in the work to live the way they need to live. They inject everything they do with meaning.

It means understanding your fundamental beliefs and values and then actively living your life in line with those values. Noble people know what they believe in and stick by them, uncompromising in their beliefs and unwavering in the face of distraction.

3. They’re kind

One of the most defining traits of a noble person is kindness, always caring for people with love and respect. It’s being compassionate and forgiving, knowing how to understand and care for others with no selfish motives in mind.

Kindness also involves empathy, which is when we feel what another person is feeling.

Moreover, kind people are patient with others, which isn’t always easy either. It’s easy to get impatient, but noble people choose to be other-directed and other-committed with their patience.

They’re also good listeners, not listening to respond and inject themselves into the conversation but listening for the sake of listening.

Lastly, they’re also kind to themselves. Being kind can benefit the self and increases wellbeing, but truly kind people take these benefits as a second to their altruistic motives of being kind to others.

4. They’re courageous

This is easily confused with fearlessness, but it isn’t the same thing; courage doesn’t mean not being afraid but it’s doing something despite that fear. It’s looking fear in the eye and saying, “not today”.

To be courageous is to not let fear govern your actions; it fortifies people who are going after their goals and demands strength from them.

People admire courageous people because they’re proof that living that way, doing things despite the fear you’re feeling, is possible.

5. They practice integrity

Integrity is the quality of being honest and having strong moral practices and a noble person practices integrity in their everyday life. It means going beyond knowing your values—it’s controlling your behavior to make it consistent with those values.

People with integrity care about doing the right thing, even when it’s hard. They do the right thing even when no one’s watching, even when it’s not convenient for them at the moment. They’re not doing it for any form of reward; they’re just wired to do what they think is right.

It also means speaking out against injustice and standing up for what’s right. It’s fair-mindedness and being unbiased.

Because of these values, they’re considered to be noble people because they can inspire others to take a stand, too. They encourage the people around them to do the right thing like they do and people can look up to them for that.

Lastly, integrity is about being authentic and trustworthy. Trustworthiness has been identified as an important trait to have in a friendship, and for good reason — without trust, relationships are doomed.

Other important traits of a noble person

– They’re wise
– They’re optimistic
– They’re independent
– They inspire
– They’re confident