Home Tricks-Tips Why Do You Have To Plant A Whole Egg In The Ground?...

Why Do You Have To Plant A Whole Egg In The Ground? The Incredible Trick Of Experienced Gardeners.

For the garden and plants, there are endless resources that we can use and give greater fertility to your soil and the growth of plants, fruits and flowers. If you want them to grow at their best, this is how a fresh egg can be an incredible natural fertilizer.

With an ingredient that you surely have in your home, you can increase the production of your plants and vegetables to get the most out of it.

The egg, a superfood for plants

Eggs contain large amounts of calcium, phosphorus, iron, potassium, vitamin A, B, D and E, selenium, iodine and protein and much more! It is for these reasons that it is considered a superfood and is an ingredient to invite to your dishes for better health. How about using it to fertilize the soil for your plants?

It is recommended to use it for your soil because all these nutrients can contribute a lot to the soil and the crop. It is important to know that by burying a whole egg near your plants, you will be able to benefit more from your plants and their virtues.


– A plant

– Earth

– A pot

– A chicken egg


– The first thing you should do is pour a few centimeters of soil into your pot.

– Then you have to place the egg inside the pot.

– Once you have it, you will need to fill it with a little more soil.

– Place the plant you want to plant or transplant

– You have to fill it with soil until you reach the base of the pot.

– This egg will remain in your jar for around 8 months and will feed little by little during that time.

Other uses of the egg in the garden

You will have understood it: eggs are a source of nutrients and calcium carbonate for our soils and therefore are ideal fertilizers for the land. Discover a different way to use it and get a natural D-system fertilizer.

Eggshell tea to water plants

This infusion is very nutritious and will be ideal for hydrating our plants. This method should be adopted every 10 days.


– 10 egg shells

– 5 liters of filtered or mineral water

– A saucepan

– A bottle or a container with a lid

– A pestle

– A mortar


– The first thing you have to do is crush the egg shell very finely with a pestle and mortar.

– Then you should place the peel and water in a saucepan and put it on the heat.

– Once the eggshell and water mixture boils, turn off the heat and remove the container.

– Wait for the mixture to cool and store it in a bottle or container with a lid so you can use it later.

– You can keep this mixture for about 3 months and pour it little by little over your plants to fertilize them and provide them with many nutrients.