Home Tricks-Tips The Easy Trick To Get Your Orchid To Bloom Again

The Easy Trick To Get Your Orchid To Bloom Again

The orchid is one of the most beloved plants in history. Its beautiful colorful flowers fill the spaces of the house with new light.

There are many natural remedies to care for and make this wonderful plant bloom. Let’s see how to prepare “garlic water“.

In fact, garlic is rich in vitamins , mineral salts and benefits for our body but also for plants.


  • 3 garlic cloves
  • Water
  • crush garlic
  • Transparent film


– Clean the garlic cloves well and crush them.

– Put the contents in the water and mix well.

– Cover with plastic wrap and let rest for 24 hours in the dark.

– Pour the mixture into a bowl and insert the orchids.

– Wait for the plants to absorb the water and remove them.