Home Tricks-Tips Shining Geraniums, With This Trick They Will Bloom For 10 Years Without...

Shining Geraniums, With This Trick They Will Bloom For 10 Years Without Ever Wilting

Geraniums hold a special place as favored flowers on Italian balconies, admired for their vibrant colors and ease of cultivation. If you’re wondering how to encourage their proliferation, here’s a helpful trick.

Geraniums, also known as Pelargonium, are regarded as the balcony plant royalty due to their resilience and simplicity in cultivation. Originating from South Africa, they were introduced to Europe and have since flourished, particularly in the Mediterranean region.

Geraniums: characteristics and properties

With various species boasting distinct colors and scents, geraniums are generally straightforward to grow, but certain precautions should be taken. Notably, they are sensitive to intense cold, with a minimum tolerable temperature of two degrees Celsius. Proper exposure is crucial, favoring partial shade over complete shade to avoid uneven flowering. Full sun exposure, especially in midsummer, may lead to flower burning.

Additionally, well-drained soil is essential. To further promote the proliferation of geraniums, consider the following tricks.

The trick to making them proliferate

Trick 1: Iodine Tincture

To encourage year-round blooming, create a mixture using iodine tincture, typically used for wound care. Add one drop of iodine tincture for every liter of clean water, shaking the bottle to ensure thorough mixing. This iodine-infused solution helps prevent plant diseases. Water the plant regularly with 50/100 ml at a time along the soil bordering the pot. Exercise caution to avoid excessive iodine use, which could harm the plant’s roots. This watering routine with iodine can be applied for a month and repeated periodically.

Trick 2: Aspirin Solution

Another effective trick involves using an aspirin tablet. Dissolve the aspirin in water by spraying it with a spray bottle, and then place the dissolved aspirin in a liter of water. Shake the mixture well for complete dissolution. The salicylic acid in aspirin strengthens the roots, promoting plant proliferation. Spray the water and aspirin solution on geraniums for a week.

Aside from encouraging proliferation, aspirin also aids in preventing harmful fungi, enhancing the overall health of the plant. This method acts as a health infusion, benefiting not only geraniums but also other non-flowering plants. The results are truly worth witnessing.