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What It Means to Be Kindred Spirits — And How You Find Them

This particular connection is typically found in the strongest of friendships.

Have you ever encountered someone who shares all of your positive qualities, such as values, hobbies, opinions, or feelings? You instantly hit it off and were great buddies. If so, you may have found a kindred spirit. This endearing phrase is frequently used in sentimental literature, poetry, and even popular culture via movies and television. However, we often use the phrase without fully understanding its meaning. In this post, you’ll learn what a kindred spirit is and whether you have one.

What is a kindred spirit?

Kindred spirits are people whose interests, attitudes, and moral values are very similar. By connecting on a deeper level, kindred spirits can offer validation as well as emotional and physical support for years or even a lifetime.

How to know if you found your kindred spirit

Time Can Pass Without Changing Your Relationship

Some friends need constant attention. And then there are friends you can get together with after months of separation, and it feels like no time has passed. If you have the latter, you might have a kindred spirit.

“Kindred spirit friendships do not require day-to-day contact. In fact, years can pass. You can change and grow in different directions, but when you speak again, the connection has endured,” says Zak.

You Feel Fulfilled

When you are lonely, you feel empty. But if you have a deep friendship with someone, your life seems full and meaningful.

There’s No Competition

When you have good news to share, whether it be a job promotion or a new car, you want a friend who can celebrate your accomplishments without making it about them. True friends can see your success and not feel the need to compete.

You Feel Understood

A kindred spirit just gets you. And part of that is because they see so much of themselves in you.

“You will find that you don’t have to spend much time explaining yourself because they will understand,” says Jennifer Nurick, MA, licensed clinical psychotherapist and counselor.

When someone just ‘gets you,’ it’s a fantastic feeling.

How does a kindred spirit differ from a twin flame?

A twin flame is a romantic partner, and you can only have one twin flame. You can be a kindred spirit with multiple people, and they are typically those with whom you have platonic or familial relationships. However, it’s not impossible for kindred spirits to fall in love or develop romantic feelings.

How to find your kindred spirit

If you don’t have someone you can call a kindred spirit, don’t worry. One may cross your path when you least expect it. Keep yourself open to making new friendships and put yourself out there. Even if it seems like a lot of effort, the payoff is worth it for a friendship of that caliber. But remember, these relationships won’t be forced, they will happen naturally.