Home Tricks-Tips Pour it in the washing machine, your laundry will be cleaner and...

Pour it in the washing machine, your laundry will be cleaner and your wallet fuller

Always having perfectly clean and fragrant laundry is the dream of many. Here is a simple and inexpensive method to get amazing results!

Ingredient in the washing machine

Washing clothes in the washing machine is a ‘custom’ that everyone now has. Long gone, in fact, are the days when laundry was washed with just the strength of one’s arms and soap! Nowadays, therefore, one mainly takes advantage of the action of this household appliance.

This does not detract from the fact that in some special cases, some soiled and stained garments can be pre-treated by hand or washed directly in this way! In some cases, moreover, an overly delicate garment may ‘suffer’ from machine washing due to a particular fabric.

Apart from all these preliminary and specific discussions, however, the general trend will be to wash the various garments inside this very popular device with a porthole!

There are several special methods for soft and fluffy laundry. In this article we would like you to discover a truly incredible one. Your laundry will be incredibly fragrant and clean again, and you will save an avalanche of money at the supermarket.

Let’s find out all the details on how to do this and which ingredients will help to effectively clean your laundry. Here is everything you need to know.

The method for soft, clean and fragrant laundry!

The advice we can give before proceeding to the explanation of the method is to carry out several washing cycles, depending on the colour and fabric of the various cloths to be washed! Very often, in fact, a small mistake is enough to compromise a washing cycle.

Doing the washing machine

Setting the right temperature and properly selecting the cloths to put in the drum are therefore fundamental preliminary operations. In the washing machine tub, then, it is a good idea to put the right detergent and, if necessary, bleach and fabric softener in their respective ‘sectors’.

These products are useful for the purpose, but will – of necessity – also be somewhat expensive. There is, however, an incredible trick to make your own detergent at home! It will be very useful and will give your laundry softness and cleanliness from the very first wash! Here are all the details about it.

To make this very effective detergent, the first thing you need to do is to get hold of some natural soap, usually used for washing your hands or face. At this point, you will have to grate some of this soap.

At the same time, you will boil a pot of water. You can also prevent the water from boiling. In fact, it will suffice if it is simply very hot. Get yourself a very large plastic container and pour the hot water and grated soap flakes into it!

Further details

When you have made these moves, get a ladle and stir the mixture, making sure that the grated natural soap has dissolved completely. Another ingredient you will now need to use is laundry soda. Pour a couple of tablespoons of it into the plastic container.

Natural soap

Also pour in a couple of tablespoons of bicarbonate of soda, another element that can give a high cleaning power to the whole thing. Stir the mixture and finally add about thirty drops of essential oil. You can choose the flavour according to your needs. Lavender essential oil, for example, is adequate for this purpose.

After mixing all the ingredients well, make sure that the mixture cools down as well as possible. Wait about a couple of hours before pouring it into a plastic container or bottle.

Our advice, however, would be to start using this customised detergent after about 24 hours, shaking it a little in case it is still too thick.

Once you have done all this, you can use this do-it-yourself mixture instead of the classic laundry detergent. Your clothes will be really clean and fragrant, given the incredible stain removing properties of the ingredients used to create the detergent!

This detergent can be used for several washing cycles, for both white and coloured clothes! The important thing will be to respect the correct dosage of the various ingredients.