Home Tricks-Tips 5 Ways Your Home Is Vulnerable to Hαckєrs

5 Ways Your Home Is Vulnerable to Hαckєrs

These days, hacking is a genuine concern. Learning how to hack is not just a skill for highly advanced computer nerds anymore. Almost anyone can learn some basic hacks, so suddenly, it’s isn’t just huge corporations that are vulnerable to hackers. Anyone can become a target. You may have technology in your home right now that’s making you more vulnerable.

Dangerous Tech

Ironically, many of the items you may use in your home to add security and convenience could make you a potential target for hackers.

Smart TVs

They seem innocuous enough, yet Smart TVs work a lot like big phones. They have a camera, and they have many apps that contain your payment information and other details about you. Should a hacker get into your Smart TV info, they could cause all kinds of trouble. Any devices that are connected to the Smart TV are potentially vulnerable, too.

Security Cameras

While they’re meant to protect you, many security cameras are fairly easy to hack. Once a hacker gets into your camera system, they know when you aren’t at home. You need to use a strong password and change it regularly to keep your system secure.

Smart Fridges

While it may look innocent, that smart fridge is a huge security hole. If hackers get into the smart fridge, they can get access to other devices, get your login details, and potentially cause all sorts of trouble. Keep a strong password and change it frequently.

Baby Monitors

Most people keep their baby monitors connected to their WiFi and their mobile devices. Hackers can get into a baby monitor and use it to watch you whenever they like. How creepy is that? Change your password to something very secure and turn on all the safety recommendations for the baby monitor app.


Using an app to control the temperature of your home is so convenient. And really, what could be dangerous about a smart thermostat? A lot. Smart thermostats usually don’t even require a password, making them very easy to hack and monitor. By paying attention to your temperature, any potential burglar can tell when you’re not at home or on vacation.

What Can You Do?

In fact, this list can be a lot longer. Pretty much any smart device in your home can potentially be hacked and then give hackers access to information, other devices, and much more. Take precautions with all the tech you add to your home, and you’ll keep yourself much safer when it comes to hackers.

Privacy Settings

Look at the privacy settings for all your home smart devices, and check the settings every time you install a new device. Change all the default passwords into strong passwords that contain characters and letters of different cases.

Wireless Router Password

Ensure you get into your wireless router settings and change your password. Many people keep the default password for their WiFi system, which is pretty much an invitation to hackers. Once they get into your WiFi, they can usually access all of your devices. Change your password to something secure, and don’t ever let the password remain at the default.

Extra Security

If you really want to up your security level, use two-factor authentication. This will generate a six-digit code that you can access via text messenger or a third-party service like Google Authenticator. This way, even hackers who obtain your password still can’t get into your accounts. Not every app will support two-factor authentication. But for those that do, it’s a good option to turn this on and add an extra layer of security to your home tech.