But how nice is the feeling of being cuddled by towels so soft that it feels like being wrapped in a caress or embrace?

Towels, however, do not always have this effect, especially in summer, when excessive heat tends to make them rough and dry. Also not to be underestimated are the wrong washings.

If you think you have to resort to commercially available fabric softeners, you are sadly mistaken! You can, in fact, use some natural ingredients to get them extra soft. Let’s see which ones!

White vinegar

The first remedy we would like to recommend is to use white vinegar, a pantry ingredient known for its bleaching, degreasing and anti-odour properties. In addition, it has an emollient action capable of separating the attached fibres of clothes, making them extremely soft!

So add 4 tablespoons of vinegar to the fabric softener tray and start the washing machine cycle! If, on the other hand, you want to wash them by hand, simply add the same amount to a bucket containing water and then soak the towels.

To make this household softener also perfumed, you can also add a teaspoon of essential oil drops of your favourite fragrance. And voila: you will look forward to wrapping yourself in your towels!

N.B. On the use of vinegar in the washing machine, there is a long debate about its impact on the environment. Therefore, it is always better to prefer citric acid. However, vinegar is always preferable to other commercially available detergents.

Citric acid

As an alternative to vinegar, you can also use citric acid, which is just as effective but more environmentally friendly. Considered a natural fabric softener, citric acid also boasts cleaning and anti-odour properties, which can remove the stench that often permeates clothes and towels.

So, dissolve 150 grams of citric acid in a litre of water and pour some of this mixture directly into the fabric softener tray before washing in the washing machine.

Alternatively, you can also pour the mixture directly into the drum: your towels will immediately feel softer to the touch!

Baking soda

If there is a larder ingredient that can come to our rescue whenever we talk about ecological household cleaning, it is certainly sodium bicarbonate. In addition to softening clothes thanks to its mild abrasive action, it also helps to give them their original whiteness without using bleach!

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So, add 3 tablespoons of the product directly into the washing machine drum or basin and start the wash cycle. Your towels will not only be softer but also whiter!

Marseille soap

Of course, we could not fail to mention Marseille soap, known since our grandmothers for its very gentle cleaning properties. What’s more, it is the best ecological product for fragrant laundry!

All you have to do, then, is add 2 tablespoons in flakes or liquid to the washing machine tub or directly into the drum and you’re done! If, then, you want to intensify the smell, you can try the towel trick!


Ah the lemon! This citrus fruit, you know, is really a godsend for all of us, as it boasts multiple properties! Besides its whitening, anti-scale, cleaning, degreasing and anti-odour properties, it is also considered a natural softener!

So why not use it on your towels? All you have to do is dilute the juice of 3 lemons with half a litre of water and add 2 dosing caps of this do-it-yourself natural fabric softener every time you wash: your towels will be soft and white as never before!


Finally, let’s look at one last trick for soft towels: chamomile, which has an emollient effect on the fibres of fabrics.

To try this trick, simply steep 2 sachets of chamomile in a litre of hot water, leave for a few minutes and then wait for the mixture to cool.

Now pour it into a basin containing water and soak the towels in it for about 10 minutes. Then wring them out and lay them in an airy place, making sure not to expose them to direct sunlight.

N.B We recommend soaking towels that have already been washed and rinsed; the camomile only serves to soften and not to wash and sanitise.