Home News Musician Dad Hears 2-Yr-Old Singing Elvis & Records Cutest Video.

Musician Dad Hears 2-Yr-Old Singing Elvis & Records Cutest Video.

Children have a remarkable ability to take in information from their surroundings and astonish their parents by revealing things to them that they shouldn’t.

That can sometimes be negative, such as when you unintentionally swear and your child repeats it ad nauseam. Other times, however, it can be a beautifully life-affirming moment that leaves parents breathless with possibilities.

Steven Converse is a guitarist from Modesto, California. Daniel, his 2-year-old son, has naturally picked up a few songs from his dad’s repertoire as he is frequently there when his dad is creating music at home. Yet when Daniel suddenly started singing the lyrics to Elvis Presley‘s “Can’t Help Falling In Love” out of the blue, Steven and his wife were both shocked and delighted.

“To hear him, just like, memorize the words and sing it by himself was… kind of a special moment for us,” Steven said. Steven made the quick decision to support Daniel’s passion for music, just like any skilled musician would. He took the young child into his recording studio, put on some headphones, and played guitar with him while they recorded the song. Even though their intention was merely to capture this moment for family memories, after Steven uploaded it to Facebook, it quickly went viral.

“Daniel’s first time trying the mic when he was still just 2,” Steven wrote on Facebook. “Begged to sing some Elvis. This video is still a daily watch for us at our house.”

Indeed, Daniel is well-versed in this song! The kid sings the first and second verses as well as the chorus in a charming, innocent voice before the video ends. While he doesn’t know every single word the melody is spot-on accurate!


For those of us who “can’t carry a tune in a bucket,” this performance is especially impressive! This little boy already knows how to pace himself in time to the rhythm, change inflections for different verses, and basically do this wonderful song the justice it deserves. Great job, Daniel!

Watch the video below to see Daniel in action, and be sure to share this sweet song with others.