Home Tricks-Tips Immerse a tea bag in a sink full of dirty dishes: the...

Immerse a tea bag in a sink full of dirty dishes: the unexpected reason

Washing dishes is one of the least appreciated household chores. There is, however, a trick to limit the “fatigue” of this operation. Let’s find out the benefits of dipping a tea bag in the sink with the dishes still to be washed.

Tea bag

Eating at home in the company of your family or any guests is, without a doubt, something that relaxes people and allows you to spend carefree moments in harmony. After enjoying all the delicacies cooked, however, comes the moment most hated by some. We’re talking about washing dishes.

Those who own a dishwasher will have greatly reduced the “hassle” of having to wash dishes by hand with detergent and sponge. Just, in fact, give a superficial rinse and put into the appliance all the dishes, glasses, pots and cutlery that will be used during lunch or dinner.

Not everyone, however, has this convenient appliance in the kitchen. Many, therefore, are forced to arm themselves with patience and will and to start washing dishes by hand after eating. There are also those who delay this operation and leave their dishes in the sink, postponing everything to the next morning.

The risk, however, will be to increase even more stress and fatigue, since the dirt not eliminated from the dishes would run the risk of becoming encrusted with the passage of hours.

If you’re done eating late and you’re not going to do the dishes right away, here comes an incredible trick. In putting it into practice you just need to take a tea bag. Let’s find out all the details about this move only at the unusual appearance.

Dirty and encrusted dishes? A tea bag will come to the rescue

Many people love tea and sip it in the middle of the afternoon. A way to relax and maybe spend some time with some loved ones. Tea bags on the market can be of various tastes. It is up to you to choose the one you prefer.

In this article, however, we do not want to talk about this, but let you discover the incredible use of tea bags as an aid for hand washing dirty dishes.

Tea, in fact, in addition to being a good drink and having excellent benefits for our body – it helps metabolism, is a valid antioxidant, lowers cholesterol and prevents cell aging – can also be useful for several other aspects.

Tea bags, for example, prevent weeds from growing in the garden, helping – as a result – the seedlings of the garden to grow undisturbed and better absorb nutrients.

Let’s see, however, why it will be important to dip a tea bag in the sink with dirty dishes. Here are all the details about a trick that could really help in the kitchen.

This is what happens to dishes that are still to be washed

Many people throw away tea bags. In many cases, however, they can be safely reused for some particular purpose. One of them is related to being useful if immersed in a sink with the dishes still dirty. Let’s find out all the right moves to take to greatly improve an important aspect in the kitchen. Here’s everything you need to know.

If you leave your pots and dirty dishes immersed in water inside the sink, it will be important to immerse one or more used tea bags inside. Tea, in fact, will remove the less pleasant smells – thanks to its scent – and, above all, will allow to melt fat and scale from pots and plates.

Who will not have time to wash the dishes immediately after eating, then, can adopt this particular technique, so as to avoid the formation of stubborn dirt and fouling on the dishes.

What do you have to do in detail? Fill the sink with dirty dishes with water in the evening. At this point, you will have to dip 3 or 4 tea bags inside the sink. In the morning you will notice how the tea will have managed to melt the bulk. The manual cleaning of the dishes will be easier and you will reduce the time to return to having perfectly clean dishes and pots. A very clever trick.