Home relationship 6 factors that make women exceedingly “devalued” in the eyes of men....

6 factors that make women exceedingly “devalued” in the eyes of men. “Sticking” to two or more things is regarded worthless.

We often think that a person’s habits or behaviors are difficult to change. Because the cause is due to environmental factors. So if a woman doesn’t have the right qualities, it’s difficult to attract men’s attention.

So what are the habits or characteristics of women that make men feel “despised”?

Women like to play “right and wrong” games.

Most men are strong, clear, and uncompromising people, but they hate being clear about everything. A girl who always says: “You’re wrong, you have to be like this…” will make men extremely tired. Especially when what you say is always inversely proportional to how you do it, he will despise you even more.

Because for men, they are most afraid of right and wrong, they are afraid of trouble and do not like to deal with these things. Sometimes a man is wrong, he knows it clearly, but whether he admits his mistake or not depends on the woman’s attitude. But sometimes he is completely right, just because he is afraid of hurting you, he is ready to apologize and admit he is wrong.

A petty and pragmatic woman

Life perspective is a very important factor in love and marriage. There are many girls who only see the immediate benefits and forget the small things. And in those situations, they accidentally lose big benefits because of greed for small benefits. This makes men notice, remember and stick in their hearts, creating a very bad impression.

Women sometimes feel complacent and subjectively think that they are wise and realistic. But actually such behavior is very low in the eyes of men.

From many small things that add up to a big thing, men will look down on you more, so be skillful and delicate in the smallest actions.

A self-centered, selfish woman

It is not difficult to see such a woman in life. They are always self-centered and think there will be many men surrounding them. This type of woman has the habit of loving herself beyond necessary limits. Therefore, they do not need to care or think about the feelings of the man next to them. They think they are always right, they have value, and their lover or husband is just a “background” to keep them afloat.

If a woman values herself too much, it will make a man feel that the two of them are not compatible and that the love he gives is not appreciated.

Women are too emotionally dependent

Unlike the above type, many girls consider love as food, water, even air, without which they cannot live for a second. To get what she wants, at any cost, she loses herself just to win a man’s heart.

The woman loves vanity

Vanity to a certain extent will increase the sweetness and romance of love. But too much of anything is not good. Many women are so frivolous that they are unrealistic, not suitable for circumstances and conditions.

This type of woman is rarely satisfied with what she has. They always like to compare with others, they always want to have other people’s happiness. Without any effort, she will deal with it by blaming men for not being able to provide the life she wants.

A woman easily gives up when faced with difficulties

Not every girl is strong enough to overcome the difficulties of life. In fact, men are sometimes contradictory in that they like to protect and show their strength by protecting the person they love, but if she is too weak and discouraged, it makes men easily bored.

A girl who lacks will and energy will not be able to conquer a man’s heart. Men always admire women who are humble, independent and willing to face and overcome difficulties with bravery.