Home relationship Waking up at night following my husband’s cries, I was surprised to...

Waking up at night following my husband’s cries, I was surprised to see him in this room

A few days later, I was still in a daze like a lost soul. Seeing my husband run into the cat room every time he came home, it broke my heart.

My husband and I had been together for less than a year when we decided to get married. We are both nearly 30 and have been in love a few times. When they got together, the two did not talk about their ex-lovers. I also don’t want to ask my husband, because I think everyone has a past, the important thing is that we are now husband and wife.

A few days ago, my husband suddenly brought home a cat. My husband has never liked having pets, nor has he shown that he likes cats or dogs. I just heard my husband say that my friend gave it to me. I found the cat so adorable that I decided to keep it.

My husband keeps the cat in a separate room. Many times I went in to see and wanted to try to touch the other cat, but my husband refused to let me. He told me to be careful that I was allergic to cat fur, because my constitution was prone to allergies. Hearing that, I had no choice but to go out and let my husband play with the cat.

But since the day my husband got a cat, he has devoted all his free time to the cat. My husband and I both work all day, only the evenings are free time for each other. But my husband stayed in the cat room and even bought an extra bed to put in there

One day, I woke up in the middle of the night and discovered that my husband was not next to me. I went out and suddenly heard crying in the quiet night. Following the crying sound, I was surprised to see my husband in the cat room. He sat next to the cat, hugged his face and sobbed.

Seeing me running nervously, my husband was startled and confused. No matter how much I asked, he still wouldn’t say why. Seeing me keep asking, my husband used the excuse that he had just watched an emotional movie and couldn’t hold back his tears.

The next day, I asked to come to the company late. Waiting for my husband to go to work, I went into the cat room. After searching the room and finding nothing suspicious, I went to look around at the cat. There was a collar on the cat’s neck. I looked at it and saw something written on it. When I looked clearly, I discovered that it was a woman’s name, along with a contact phone number.

I was confused when I called that phone number, and suddenly learned that the owner of this number, also the owner of the cat my husband brought home to raise, had passed away a few days ago. After that, I went to see a close friend of my husband, I was sure that he knew about the other woman. After an hour of begging him, I finally knew the truth that made me lose my mind.

The woman who passed away was my husband’s ex-lover. The two lived together for a while, then broke up and she got married. Not long after, she divorced and became seriously ill. When he heard that his ex was seriously ill, my husband hid his wife and came to take care of him. When she passed away, my husband brought the other cat home to raise in memory of his ex.