Home Moral Stories 16 people shared moments where they were ultimately happy

16 people shared moments where they were ultimately happy

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Almost no one on the earth can claim to live a stress-free existence. This is why the moments when happiness overtakes us are much more valuable. The heroes of this piece shared stories about instances like this.

People 1

I’ll never forget the time my parents bought me a puppy. When I got home from school, they told me that they had stored my toys in another room and that I needed to go retrieve them. I was pleasantly surprised when I entered the room. The happiest moment of my life. I miss him. © Xe137eX / Reddit

People 2

My son fell asleep in my arms in the afternoon. I sat down on the couch, thinking about taking him to bed, but I also didn’t want to. His head is on my shoulder, and I hear him breathing…

I have soup on the stove and haven’t brushed my hair since the morning. But how nice it is to cuddle with him, feel his warmth, and feel his breath! This is a tiny huge happiness! © ****.Zhizn / Pikabu

People 3

The happiest I’ve ever been after a complete surprise was when my boyfriend took me to the beach and told me he had planned the day for us. We walked up a hill, and he directed me to a sign with my name on it. It had images of us and a note that read, “Read Me.” I read the note.

Finally, it directed me to turn around. I did, and I saw him on his knee, with our mothers approaching behind him. He stated, “I love you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you marry me?” © AlcatK / Reddit

People 4

Many women I know say that their partners don’t treat them with gifts, flowers, or jewelry, and rarely take them out to eat. My boss even kicked her husband out due of this! What shall I say?

My significant other does not offer me flowers and only gives me gifts on rare occasions. But! He met me outside our house yesterday; I was weary and hungry after work, and he handed me a fresh, hot pizza from his bag with a big smile. And no one was happier than me at that moment, proudly walking with this pizza in my hands. © ******Petrovna / Pikabu

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People 5

I had been trying to get my newborn niece to say “uncle” for over a year and had given up, but one day she woke up, and I went to grab her, and we had a short talk.
— Did you have a good sleep?
— Yes.
— Are you hungry?
— Yes.
— Want goldfish?
— Yes.

So she grasped one finger, and we proceeded to the kitchen. My mother wanted to cuddle her, but she turned away and cried “Uncle,” which made me extremely pleased, and we watched Hamilton while eating goldfish. © NovelProfessional767 / Reddit

People 6

As a child, I made frequent visits to my grandma. There was a bakery that made wheat pan bread. And the village kids and I had a simple yet unbelievable feeling of bliss while eating a loaf of white, still warm bread and drinking lemonade.

Today, I bought the same loaf of bread and mentally transported myself back to a time when I felt great: my childhood. The bread remains precisely the same as it was then. Thank you, baker. © rusmizus / Pikabu

People 7

I haven’t been this slim in a long time. Hell, I’m fat, and lately I’ve become even fatter. And three weeks ago, I resumed morning exercises, watching calories and walking 10,000 steps every day.

And bingo, today I squatted and tied my shoelaces without becoming out of breath! And that was likely the happiest day of the year. © t.dzen / Pikabu

People 8

My new pals threw me a surprise birthday celebration a few years back. I relocated far away from home and began working with these two lovely girls. When my birthday rolled around, they absolutely sh0cked me by booking a hotel, decorating it, and encouraging two of my best friends from home to visit me. I had only known those girls for a few months, yet they were incredibly lovely to me. © freezethawcycle / Reddit

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People 9

When I was a kid, I was a complete failure. I mean, I thought I was a complete loser. I failed in baseball, but mostly at friends and school.

I began performing in high school. When I was a sophomore, I landed the lead role in a play called Harvey. I worked so hard on it. Very difficult. I had difficulty accomplishing it.

My teacher was constantly encouraging me to improve, to think less and perform more, and so on. I think I finally made a breakthrough and worked really hard on it. The first night, when I came out for curtain call, I was met with a noise so deafening that I thought I’d go deaf.

I realized I was in tears. For the first time in my life, I felt proud of myself. © SmurfyX / Reddit

People 10

In January, my dear woman, whom I had been with for four years, abandoned me. I was heartbroken; I was left with two cats and little hope for the future. And I’m already 51.

I went on a vacation. There was live music and dancing in the tourist hub. One woman unexpectedly invited me. I danced with her for the first time in fifteen years.

And now we’re dating and going on vacation together. I’ve already ordered rings and will ask her to marry me. I just wanted to express my happiness. © Artnikolaich / Pikabu

People 11

I used to work in a hospital as a nursing assistant. We had a woman in her mid-twenties who came in seizing and completely unresponsive, with no history of neurological problems. She ended up in a coma for three weeks, and things were not looking good at all – not positive, but I believe there was conversation about signing a DNR.

Then one morning, I walk in for my shift, and she is awake and alert. I never received the formal diagnosis, but it appeared that a high dose of one of the medications we were giving her had finally taken effect. The expression on her mother’s face that morning, and for the next week as she continued to heal, was remarkable. So relieved and glad to have her girl back. She ended up going home as well. © Unknown author / Reddit

People 12

My son has begun to open the door when there is a knock. If he’s inside the restroom, he’ll open it himself. If there is a knock on the front door, he simply runs to the hallway (I do not trust him with the keys yet).

Maybe these are minor details, but for a 9-year-old boy who has been deaf since birth, can hardly see, and has spent the most of his life in rehabilitation facilities, this represents considerable development. I’m sitting here crying. Knock on all doors, and they will finally open for you. I believe in it. © SmolaAl / Pikabu

People 13

My happiest experience was hearing my first child cry after a C-section. It had been a strange pregnancy with serious difficulties that the doctors couldn’t explain and could have ᴋɪʟʟᴇᴅ us both. This moment is quickly followed by the sound of my second child sobbing after birth. © baconwastaken / Reddit

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People 14

My husband began arriving late from work with constant excuses. I was offended, but I also work and care for the house, so there wasn’t time to be unhappy. On my birthday, I prepared the table and sat down to wait for him. The doorbell rang, I opened it, and there was a massive box!

My spouse was seated inside, holding a purebred Labrador and a teddy bear. It came out that he learned from my mother about my childhood interests and dreams. He spent a long time filling out paperwork for the dog and searched for a puppy of the proper color. © Podslushano / Ideer

People 15

My son and I are the only two of us, and he has only recently turned 18, but he already earns some money. I had never seen it, but it turns out he secretly puts money in my wallet, “saving it from emptiness.” Sometimes in vast quantities. When it dawned on me, I sat down and shed tears of pain and happiness. © Podslushano / Ideer

People 16

I am a skydiving instructor. Some first-time skydivers do bizarre things. I recall one lady. She disappeared for an extended period of time after arrival.

We rushed after her. We came and noticed the dome. She was lying there, twitching. We ran up, and she was building an angel in the muck, as if it were snow, and she was really delighted. We laughed a lot. © Podslushano / Ideer