Home Funny 4 Couples Sleepily Stand on Stage Steal the Show When Their Feet...

4 Couples Sleepily Stand on Stage Steal the Show When Their Feet Start Moving

When competing in any event, it is critical to distinguish yourself from your competitors. At the 2014 Camp Hollywood National Jitterbug Championships, four charming couples couldn’t help but grab the spotlight.

Their one-of-a-kind act began with them standing with their other half, appearing to wobble in slumber. As the music begins, the expectant audience shouts for them to wake up.

The pair at the end stretches out, realizes it’s time to perform, and quickly gets their feet moving. Tapping on the pair next to them causes a hilarious domino effect that is nothing short of amazing.

Each duo has incredible dancing movements that are difficult to look away from. The audience goes crazy in response to their inventive presentation. They were one of the most anticipated performers during the concert, and they did not disappoint.

Watch the video below: