Home Life You’re NOT FAT, You are Bloated. Here Are 9 Reasons And Proven...

You’re NOT FAT, You are Bloated. Here Are 9 Reasons And Proven Ways To Fix It.

Bloating is the situation of your stomach sensing swollen after a heavy meal.

It is caused by disturbances in the movement of the muscles in the various areas of the digestive system.

This is where the increase of discomfort and pressure may take place, and somehow, it can contribute to such look of a stomach seems like much bigger. This where extreme cases will enter and affect the condition, making the bloating more severe and complicated.

Bloating is sometimes caused by serious medical conditions which are most often result from a bad diet and some foods and ingredients an individual have low tolerance in avoiding allergies.

9 Proven Ways To Reduce Or Eliminate Bloating

1. You should avoid eating too much food once at a time

Some people with bloating are prone to various health problems and they are the ones with increased sensitivity to food in the stomach. Therefore, eating small meals can contribute to the best results.

2. Probiotics can help

Several clinical trials have shown that certain probiotic supplements can help reduce both gas production, as well as bloating, in people with digestive problems.

3. Remove foods that you are intolerance like food allergies

Allergies and food intolerances are common causes of bloating. The basic offenders are lactose, wheat, fructose, gluten and eggs which are very common causes of allergies.

4. You should be aware that swallowing gas and air is one of the causes

A major cause is carbonated beverages; it contains gases that are being dissolved in different areas of liquid. Swallowed air and gas can result in bloating.

5. Try a Low FODMAP Diet

Numerous studies have shown that indigestible carbohydrates called FODMAPS can drastically exacerbate symptoms in Irritable Bowel Syndrome patients.
IBS is the most common digestive disorder in the world. It has no known cause but is believed to affect about 16% of people, most of which are undiagnosed
Here are some common High-FODMAP foods:
Wheat, Onions, Garlic, Broccoli, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Artichokes, Beans, Apples, Pears, and Watermelon.

6. Take Digestive Enzyme Supplements

Many over-the-counter products can be helpful in combating bloating and other digestive problems. These are usually digestive enzymes that help break down certain food components.

7. Avoid food that contributes gas in your system

If certain foods make you feel bloated, you should avoid them. Consuming fatty foods can also slow down your digestio

8. Be Careful With Sugar Alcohols

Sugar can cause digestive problems like bloating, especially when consumed in large doses. Try to avoid chewing sugar-free gum and other sources of sugar alcohols.

9. Immediately seek medical attention when constipation occurs

Constipation can worsen symptoms of bloating. Increasing magnesium intake and physical activity can effectively combat constipation.
