Home Life D.y.in.g Father Fights De*th Just Enough To Meet His Daughter Once

D.y.in.g Father Fights De*th Just Enough To Meet His Daughter Once

Dying Father Fights Death Just Enough To Meet His Daughter Once

Watching someone fight for their lives is painful, especially when they know they don’t have much time. Each minute with them is to be treasured and we ensure that we look after all their needs and take care of any last wishes they have. Most often than not, the last wish is almost always to meet someone or talk to someone.

However, this dying father’s wish was to meet a person who wasn’t even born yet. In a heartbreaking episode on Gogglebox, a British TV series, for a Stand Up To C*ncer special, viewers got to see one of the greatest examples of a father’s love when Brett, a brain tumor patient, kept himself alive just long enough to meet his third child.

During the episode the famous faces saw how father-of-three Brett, who had a brain tumour, d.i.e.d just three hours after his daughter Arya was born.

In the short video Nicola explained how she met her husband Brett when they were newly qualified teachers.

The episode begins with a glimpse of Brett and Nicola’s love story. They start off as friends before realizing there’s more to it than that. In the coming years, they will get married and soon become parents to two beautiful daughters.

She said that he had ‘always wanted to be a dad and was such a good dad’ to their two eldest girls Freya and Ella.

Speaking about Brett’s cancer, Nicola said she ‘started to notice minor changes’ in her husband first but ‘he laughed it off’.

The dad was diagnosed with a brain tumour four years ago and had it removed but it grew back more aggressive when Nicola was pregnant with their youngest, Arya.

When Nicola went into labour at Luton hospital Brett tragically had a seizure at home and was taken to Milton Keynes.

Nicola said that after welcoming her baby girl: ‘It was like a race against time to make sure we were ok but could get going.’

She then drove ‘straight up the M1’ with her mother to see Brett and introduce him to their newest daughter.

She said: ‘I knew what was going to happen and I wanted him to know that it was ok.. I told him it’s ok, don’t hurt yourself anymore.’

Nicola laid baby Arya on Brett and described what she looked like, giving the father and daughter a few hours together.

Nicola laid her newborn baby girl, Arya, on Brett and this would be the first and the last time the father was able to meet the newborn. The mother even described how their newest born looked to him. After spending some hours together, he d.i.e.d knowing that he was with her.

She was born at 5:07 a.m. on February 11, 2019, and three hours later, he tragically passed away at 8:25 a.m. His older two daughters still believe that their dad, who they call their “superhero handsome prince,” sends them feathers to let them know he’s watching over them.

While watching the clip the celebrities looked wet-eyed and some let a few tears fall.

Source:daily.lessonslearnedinlife.comdailymail.co.uk, metro.co.uk