Home Health 6 Biggest Reasons Men Leave The Women They Love

6 Biggest Reasons Men Leave The Women They Love

6 Biggest Reasons Men Leave The Women They Love

Here are 6 reasons why men leave the women they love:
men leave

1. He doesn’t feel appreciated

Men absolutely crave appreciation, and without it, their soul withers and dies. OK, it’s not quite that dramatic but in all seriousness, appreciation is the fuel that keeps a man going in a relationship. And when a man doesn’t feel appreciated by his partner, it doesn’t matter how amazing she is or even how much he loves her, he will not want to be in a relationship with her.

2. He feels that she’s trying to fix him.

When a man starts to feel that he’s not enough, that his flaws are huge, or that he cannot be himself without judgment, he starts looking for the exit. Women, often without realizing it, tend to emasculate men by making them their projects and by trying to change or “improve” them.

What a man really needs is a woman who offers wholehearted encouragement so a man can discover who he truly is.

3. He is threatened by the woman’s success.

Men experience a huge blow to their self-esteem when their female partners experience success, even when they are not in direct competition.

If the man has not been able to attain the success he feels he deserves, this is often a pivotal reason he might leave a relationship. He cannot join her in her success or support her because he is inwardly comparing her success to his failures.

4. He feels bothered too often.

Men can zone out sometimes, but not more often than when a woman is saying the same thing to him repeatedly. Constant bothering and belittling can destroy a relationship. Men may play like children, but they are not kids. They rarely tolerate constant whining and complaining. Men need to feel appreciated and uplifted. They will ignore and avoid this type of ‘nagging’ because it adds to negative reinforcement, or even passive-aggressive conflict.

5. She compares him to other men..

A man wants to believe he is the only one that matters right now. He doesn’t want to hear that a previous lover did this or that. He wants to know that what he is doing right now is enough.

6. Infidelity

A cheating partner is detrimental to any relationship. Infidelity either by the woman or the man can lead to abandonment. If the woman cheats, he may find it impossible to prolong the relationship due to trust issues. In case the man has cheated and the partner forgives him, then continuing to live together could still be difficult.

Either there could be constant taunting by the partner or the overwhelming feeling of guilt about his cheating will ensure the relationship would never be the same. Eventually, when he can’t handle it anymore, he will decide to leave. Men who leave relationships seemingly suddenly have either had their trust broken or have been unable to shake off the cheating guilt.

Final Thoughts on Why Men Leave Women They Love

Men fall in love with the expectation of being appreciated, respected and supported. If a man no longer feels like he is the hero of the story, he will naturally face a serious decision in whether or not he should change his relationship status.

Source: powerofpositivity.com, anewmode.com