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I Had Lost All Hopes, Believed That I Would Have To Live With Diabetes All My Life. Now I’m An Ex Diabetic Thanks To This

I Had Lost All Hopes, Believed That I Would Have To Live With Diabetes All My Life. Now I’m An Ex Diabetic Thanks To This

1. Fig Leaves and Diabetes

Tea made from fig leaves can reduce insulin needs in people with type 1 diabetes. It also seems to lower blood sugar levels after ingestion.

How to prepare the infusion:

To prepare the remedy, simply add the leaves to a pot full of boiling water, and then simmer the mixture for about ten minutes. You need to drink a couple of cups a day, and this will keep your blood sugar levels, in check.

Other excellent uses you can put this infusion to.


You can prevent cardiovascular problems, and you can also keep your triglycerides under control, simply by drinking fig leaf tea.


You can naturally treat stomach ulcers by simply chewing a few fig leaves daily.


Figs are one of the fruits that have the most fiber, so eating them is beneficial to the digestive system.


A tea is prepared with fig leaves, which is an ideal home remedy for treating bronchitis, asthma and other respiratory tract diseases.

Blood Pressure

Figs are an important source of potassium, a mineral that is effective in reducing and controlling blood pressure, so regular intake of this fruit is recommended for people suffering from hypertension.

Antioxidant Properties

Studies have shown that figs have antioxidant properties. Two medium dried figs should be consumed daily to produce a significant increase in these compounds in the body.

Bone Density

Figs are also an important source of calcium for the body, so they promote bone density.

Clean the lungs

One of the qualities that most characterizes them is their expectorant power, as they contain properties that help us clean the lungs.

Their laxative power

Its laxative power is also remarkable. It is a good ally to recover the intestinal transit and to avoid problems derived from its malfunction.

In addition, it is attributed anti-rheumatic properties, so it is advisable to take figs in people who have a family history of this disease, as well as in those who practice many sports and subject their joints to a high wear and tear.

Everyone can eat figs, in fact, it is advisable to include them in our diet, since it is an easily digestible food, which in addition to assimilate very quickly makes our stomach is protected, thus preventing the appearance of gastric and stomach misalignments such as acidity, reflux …