Home Moral Stories The more anger you carry in your heart towards the past, the...

The more anger you carry in your heart towards the past, the less …

“Anger is another emotion that will damage those neurons and neuro transmitters in the brain because if you are constantly angry there is something behind that anger either deep hurt or betrayal from a loved one or family members which are the closest people to you. They mean so much to you that their actions hurt you the most. You can shift gears sometimes if you don’t let that anger rules the other emotions built in inside everyone of us. Love is the other emotion that is healing to the bones of anger and hurt. If you cannot get the love back from the person you gave or giving it to, you can love other member of the family. Only time can heal but don’t let that anger break you” ~ Norma Powell

“The more anger towards the past you carry in your heart, the less capable you are of loving in the present.” – Barbara De Angelis

“Anger can destroy a person, don’t let it destroy you, get rid of it, turn your anger into love, when you love yourself, and have love in your heart, there is no room for anger, sometimes you have to get help to see what anger does to a person, sometimes you pray it away.” ~ Mary Kraus

“Sometimes you have to ride the process and let time take away your anger. People talk as if emotions can be switched off. They are hard wired in our brain, and the neurons have a shorter connection than the cognitive part of the brain. Fight or flight?” ~ Simon Templar

“It generates heat in the body. People that are always hot may suffer from too much anger packed inside.” ~ Vanessa Petrea

“Your life has many chapters, some exciting, some happy, some sad, and some just plain boring but it all makes you an interesting individual soul. Be thankful for all those memories good or bad.” ~ Renee Marshall