It’s the latest puzzle to send the internet into a tizzy, and could keep your kids entertained during the Easter holidays
THERE are dozens of babies crammed into this tricky brainteaser, but can you spot the only one who is asleep?
At first glance, it appears all the tots are wide awake – but one of them has drifted off into the land of nod.
Can you spot the sleeping baby in this tricky brainteaser, which is the latest puzzle to sweep the web?

It’s the latest puzzle to send the internet into a tizzy, and could keep your kids entertained during the Easter break.
It was created by – as 85 per cent of mums say their kids’ sleeping patterns take a turn for the worse this week, while 70 per cent reckon it’s the trickiest time of the year for getting them to drift off.
The company’s study of 1,000 mums who have kids under six found that the average tot lost just under two hours sleep EVERY night in the run up to Easter, partly because of the brighter evenings and all the sugary chocolate they’re consuming.
Here’s the answer… the dozing tot is snoozing away in the top right corner of the jam-packed

As a result, half of mums are left feeling “exhausted and irritable” when the week is out, while a quarter say their relationships with their partner suffers.
However, 62 per cent say they just get on with it – and eventually get used to the sleep exhaustion.