How many B’s can you find in the picture?
Take, for example, this challenge below, which has caused people around the world to pull their hair trying to solve it.
In the picture below we can see many 8’s. However, there are a few B’s hiding as well.
Now the question is: can you find all the B’s in the picture? Here is the picture.

Did you find them? Below you can see the solution.
Here is the solution
If you didn’t find all the B’s, then no worries, you are not alone.
Below is a picture with all the B’s marked in red.

There you can see it clearly, there are eight B’s in the picture.
Did you do get it right? Congratulations on that case!
Now press that SHARE button below to see if your friends are up to this challenge, they will surely appreciate the distraction during these difficult times!