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Dad-of-four offers to clear school’s entire dinner debt ‘so kids don’t go hungry’

A dad-of-four has offered to pay any outstanding debts at a school after parents were told that children would not be fed unless their accounts are up to date.

SH, from Essex, tweeted YDN in Wales, asking to pay the £1,800 that is owed in order to stop the “madness of kids potentially going hungry”.

The offer came after the school’s headmaster, NF controversially told parents in a letter that the school cook had been instructed not to give food to any child “if their debt has not been cleared”.

The head of the 450-pupil school wrote that pupils who owe more than a penny on their school meal accounts will not be fed, NorthWalesOnline reports.

In his own defence, Mr NF said: “We don’t want to tar everyone with the same brush, but realistically, those parents who can pay but won’t pay, something has to be done.”

Parents of the school have until 19 November to get their children’s accounts up to date, but Man Behaving Dadly blogger SH has stepped up to pay the cash.

The dad-of-four, who has tens of thousands of Facebook and Twitter followers said: “I’ve just made this genuine offer to the management of YDN on Twitter.

“I will absolutely cover their catering deficit if it stops this madness of kids potentially going hungry.”

Speaking to the local paper, he said: “We could all sit here and argue about ‘parents who can afford it but won’t pay’ and ‘parents spending the cash on whatever else instead’ until the cows come home.

On Thursday, Mr NF said just a “handful of pupils” had run up debts totalling close to £2,000.

In the email to parents, he had apologised but said action had to be taken as there had been a deficit in the school meals budget.
