Home Tricks-Tips Heart-Healthy Recipe for Improved Circulation

Heart-Healthy Recipe for Improved Circulation

Are you looking for a natural way to promote heart health and improve circulation? Look no further! Today, we are excited to share with you a recipe from a well-known German priest that can help unclog your arteries and boost your overall cardiovascular well-being.

The Heart’s Drink Recipe


30 cloves of garlic
5 organic lemons (including the peel)
1 liter of filtered or still water

Method of Preparation:

Peel the garlic cloves.
Wash the lemons thoroughly, keeping the peel intact, and remove the seeds. Cut them into small pieces.
Add the peeled garlic cloves and lemon pieces to a blender. Blend until well combined.
Pour the mixture into a pot and mix it with 1 liter of water.
Bring the mixture to a boil, then turn off the heat and strain the liquid.
Transfer the obtained liquid into clean bottles and store them in the refrigerator.

How to Use the Heart’s Drink:

For optimal results, follow the following regimen:

Drink 50 ml of the Heart’s Drink every day.
Take it 2 hours before or after your main meal.
Continue this routine for a period of 25 days.
After 25 days, take a break for 10 days.

If desired, you can repeat the treatment for a third time, following another 10-day break.

By incorporating this heart-healthy drink into your routine, you can take proactive steps towards supporting your cardiovascular system. Give it a try and experience the potential benefits for yourself!

Remember, it’s always best to consult with a healthcare professional before making any significant changes to your diet or starting a new health regimen. Stay heart-healthy and enjoy the journey to improved circulation!