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I Met My Husband and His “Girlfriend” at a Public Pool – Karma Had Other Plans

Imagine a pleasant summer afternoon with the sun beaming and laughing filling the air. You’re at the pool, ready to unwind and relax. What if an unexpected discovery shatters that peaceful moment? What if your husband is dining with his “girlfriend” in broad sight? Doesn’t this sound like something out of a soap opera?

As I made my way to the pool, feeling great in my new swimsuit, I couldn’t help but notice my husband. But there was someone else with him, who I didn’t recognize. The sight outraged me. Should I create a scene? Should I allow my fury to take over? But a part of me, perhaps the one that loves dignity, reminded me to remain calm. After all, there’s no reason to stage a spectacle in such a public setting.

Image for illustrative purpose only. (Freepik)

However, this is where things changed. Instead of storming out, I chose to study them from behind my sunglasses. And wow was I in for a surprise. The hot sun caused everyone to want the coolness of water. ‘Miss New Thing’ would eventually have to take a dip. Little did I know she couldn’t swim to save her life!

This was the moment when karma decided to show itself. She struggled when she entered the pool. It turns out her bikini was not meant for swimming. She floundered and gasped for oxygen, much to the delight of everyone nearby. It was very satisfying to see her fight while my spouse stood helpless. I don’t normally wish bad things on others, but in this case, I couldn’t help but appreciate the poetic justice.

The sight of Miss New Thing’s misfortune attracted a crowd. Children laughed, and even adults struggled to hide their delight. Was it a little petty? Perhaps. However, a little pettiness might help us cope. The lifeguard eventually had to intervene and pull her from the sea. Any remaining sense of decorum had vanished. My husband was left trying to save their public image. It’s incredible how the powerful can fall.

Image for illustrative purpose only. (Freepik)

That day, I learned some vital lessons. Karma has no problem taking a bite out of those who deserve it, all while giving front-row entertainment for the rest of us. When we got home, not a word was said. My embarrassed husband realized he had crossed a line, and no grand gesture or apology could undo the public humiliation he had inflicted.

If you’re going to be unfaithful, maybe find a more discreet spot next time? Now, I’m not advocating infidelity, but it’s amazing how the cosmos works to reveal lies in the most unexpected and amusing ways. However, for those of us who value honesty and loyalty, the pool may not be such an awful place after all. It can provide a setting for rejuvenating swims and unexpected life lessons. So, if you find yourself being betrayed, don’t seek vengeance. Simply get some popcorn, locate a decent position to watch, and let Karma handle the drama.