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I Refuse to Sacrifice My Dream Vacation to Pay for My Stepdaughter’s College Tuition

I’m in a difficult situation regarding my stepdaughter’s upcoming college tuition, and I’m struggling to figure out if I’m being unreasonable. I care about our blended family deeply, but recent events have brought a significant conflict to the surface.

My husband generously paid for my son’s college tuition from my previous marriage, which I deeply appreciate. Now, his daughter from his previous marriage is about to start college, and he expects me to contribute to her tuition.

The truth is, I’ve been saving for years for a dream trip to Europe with my friends. This trip isn’t just a vacation for me; it’s a lifelong dream that I’ve been eagerly anticipating. I feel that I’ve been caring for my family for a very long time and now it’s time I do something for myself.

Image for illustrative purpose only. (© Freepik)

My stepdaughter’s mother thinks I’m being selfish for not wanting to contribute to her education. My husband also feels it’s unfair, considering his contribution to my sons’ education. However, we never agreed that I would pay for his daughter’s college tuition.

To make things worse, my husband’s ex-wife thinks if I won’t contribute to her daughter’s college tuition, then it’s only fair that I return the money my husband paid for my son’s education. She even called me and said I’m being selfish and that education is far more important than a trip.

Image for illustrative purpose only. (© Freepik)

I feel torn and conflicted. Am I wrong for wanting to keep my savings for my dream vacation?

I feel that I really need some advice.