Daughter: a beautiful creation handmade by God, placed in the arms of a woman to raise up, love, nurture, and treasure as a friend.
“A daughter is someone you laugh with, dream with, and love with all your heart.” – Unknown
“A daughter is just a little girl who grows up to be your best friend.” – Unknown
“There were times when…I didn’t have a lot of friends. But my mom was always my friend. Always.” – Taylor Swift
“Mother and daughter never truly part, maybe in distance but never in heart.” – Unknown
“Someday when the pages of my life end, I know that you will be one of the most beautiful chapters.” – Unknown
“A mother and a daughter always share a special bond, which is engraved on their hearts.” – Unknown
“Words are not enough to express the unconditional love that exists between a mother and a daughter.” – Caitlin Houston
“For all the things my hands have held, the best by far is you.” – Unknown
“My daughter is my biggest achievement. She is a little star and my life has changed so much for the better since she came along.” – Denise Van Outen
“In my life, you are the sun that never fades and the moon that never wanes.” – Unknown
“My daughter makes me laugh with her incredibly humorous take on the world. Everything makes her laugh, and I aspire to take in the world the same shoes she does.” – Unknown
“A mother is not a person to lean on but a person to make leaning unnecessary.” – Dorothy C. Fisher
“The more a daughter knows the details of her mother’s life the stronger the daughter.” – Anita Diamant
“My mom taught me a woman’s mind should be the most beautiful part of her.” – Sonya Teclai
“The older I get, the more I see the power of that young woman, my mother.” – Sharon Olds