Home News My girlfriend’s mom always lies about forgetting her wallet & I told...

My girlfriend’s mom always lies about forgetting her wallet & I told her lying has consequences

Dealing with family members’ bad behavior habits can be difficult. We don’t want to hurt their feelings or create an awkward environment, but we do need to find a method to aid them and put an end to their harmful behavior.

A Redditor named Sea_Temporary_7637 came to the AITA subReddit to share a recent incident involving his girlfriend’s mother.

His partner, Kelly, has two mothers: Gina, 64, and Stacy, 71. While Gina pays for all of their bills, Stacy spends her money on small errands and saves the rest.

Stacy requested OP to take her to the store so she could get a few things. Stacy told him she had lost her money at home and requested him to cover the payment for her, promising to return him later.

The OP, of course, agreed because he didn’t see it as a huge concern. Stacy was an elderly lady, and the elderly have a tendency to forget things.

That that day, when OP and his girlfriend were discussing how their days had gone and OP mentioned running errands with her mother, Kelly quickly asked him if Stacey wanted him to lend her money. He became confused and responded that she did. Kelly mentioned that her mother has a habit of having people pay for her items without thinking returning their money.

“She claims she ‘forgot’ her wallet, asks you to pay, promises to pay you back, but almost never follows through,” Kelly said.

OP knew Stacey lied at times and he was aware that made Kelly mad, but he didn’t know she would also try to trick him.

“I also don’t like to be lied to and had not experienced Stacy lying to me yet. It’s also not even about money for Stacy, as she has quite a bit to her name, no debt, and Gina pays most of the bills.”

OP pledged that he would never let Stacy play games with him again, so the next time she asked him to accompany her to the drugstore, he constantly asked if she had everything she needed, focusing on her keys, jacket, and wallet. She replied she had, and the two went to the pharmacy.

However, just as she needed to pay, she turned to OP and said she had again forgotten her wallet. That’s when OP confronted her.

OP: “I thought you said you had everything you needed before we left.”

Stacy: “I did, I guess I was wrong.”

OP: “You said you checked.” Stacy: “I did.”

OP: “So did you lie to me about having your wallet, or did you lie to me about checking for it?”

Stacy: “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

OP: “Do you really not have it with you, or are you lying about that too?” Stacy: “Why are you having an attitude with me?”

OP: “Why did you lie to me?”

Stacy: “It’s not a big deal. If you don’t want to help me, then I’m going home.”

OP: “I don’t have an attitude, I’m just not going to deal with you lying to me. Lying has consequences.”

Stacy remained silent on their walk home. She did not say a thing.

Despite the fact that she was the one who lied to OP, his remarks stung Stacy the most. Kelly told her lover that her mother locked herself inside her room and refused to leave. This made OP question whether he was in the wrong for addressing Stacy in the first place.