Home News Newly Discovered Footage Offers a Fresh Perspective

Newly Discovered Footage Offers a Fresh Perspective

Nearly 23 years ago, on that fateful day, the world was forever changed when the Twin Towers of the World Trade Centre in New York City were tragically attacked. The horrific event left a lasting impact on countless others.

Now, a witness to the collapse of the Twin Towers has recently shared never-before-seen footage, offering a unique perspective on the devastating event.

This person is Kei Sugimoto. While cleaning his closet, he stumbled upon the footage he had captured of the Twin Towers collapsing on 9/11. He decided to share this remarkable find with the world. The footage, recorded from the roof of 64 St Marks Place in NYC using a Sony VX2000 with a teleconverter, has quickly gained attention online for its “new angles of the collapse.”

The video has captivated viewers as it showcases a different viewpoint not typically seen from the south or east. As one commenter on YouTube noted, “You are watching these angles for the first time ever.” The video reveals the towers engulfed in black smoke before their ultimate collapse.

The discovery of this footage has sparked conversations between users across various online platforms. Reddit users shared their amazement at how, nearly 23 years later, we are still uncovering new perspectives of this historical event. One user pondered, “Makes me think about how much history is being stored in people’s attics or basements waiting to be unearthed.”

In the YouTube comments, Sugimoto explained the reason for his choice to release the footage now. He revealed that he found boxes filled with Hi-8, Digital-8, and DV tapes while cleaning his closet. Unfortunately, some of the tapes had demagnetized and were either blank or corrupted. Realizing that video tapes are not immune to the effects of time, even in ideal storage conditions, Sugimoto hurriedly digitized them, leading to the long-awaited upload.

Sugimoto clarified that although he witnessed the second plane c::rash, he did not film it initially. However, realizing the gravity of the situation, he quickly grabbed his video camera to document the unprecedented tragedy.

The online users have expressed immense gratitude to Sugimoto for sharing this “unique perspective” and commended him for the crystal-clear yet devastating footage.

This newfound footage reminds us of the impact that 9/11 had on the world and the continued importance of remembering this historic event.