Home Moral Stories Plus-Size Woman Is Rejected by Fiancé’s Parents, They Beg Her to Marry...

Plus-Size Woman Is Rejected by Fiancé’s Parents, They Beg Her to Marry Him Later

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A plus-size woman is rejected by her fiancé’s parents, who prefer him to marry someone skinny and lovely. They soon regret their decision and beg her to marry their son. But it is too late by then.

Ben met Stephanie at college and fell in love with her. While she did not have the hourglass form or the most dazzling appearance of the other girls, she was the most beautiful in his eyes, and he loved her.

Stephanie, too, was madly over heels for him, and when he proposed marriage to her two months after they met, she gladly accepted.

Ben then decided to introduce Stephanie to his parents and invite her home for supper. But his parents, Stella and Richard, scowled when they saw a plus-size woman enter their home with their son.

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“Ben,” Stella said as Stephanie arrived and sat on the living room couch. “Is she the girl’s mother?”

“What?” Ben raised a brow. “Mom, what are you even saying? That’s mean! She IS Stephanie, the girl I wanted to introduce to you and dad…”

“SHE’S TOO BIG, Ben! And that makes her look too old for her age,” Stella told him firmly. “Are you really expecting us to accept her as our daughter-in-law?”

“Mom!” Ben shot back. “You don’t even know her well! How can you just pass judgment on her like that? Please stop this!” he muttered angrily as he walked away.

Stella and Richard looked forward to seeing their son’s fiancée, but nothing prepared them for what happened next. Their perspectives on his decision differed dramatically. In truth, they anticipated a slender and lovely woman, not a couch potato!

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Stella glanced at Stephanie as she ate another dish of spaghetti and went for another slice of garlic bread. Stella and Richard exchanged nervous glances, and Stella eventually spoke up.

“Ben,” she said, placing her fork beside her plate. “THIS MUST STOP…”

Ben stopped eating and looked at her, bewildered. “What’s the matter, Mom?”

“You and this girl … We don’t approve of your relationship!” Stella declared. “We don’t mind if you stay friends, but your father and I cannot tolerate this!”

“You’re wasting your time here, Mr. and Mrs. Miller.”

Stephanie stopped eating, as astonished as Ben. “Did I do something wrong, Mrs. Miller? Ben and I love each other, and….”

“Excuse me?!” Stella pulled back her chair and rose to her feet. “Who gave you the right to interrupt my conversation with my son?”

Stephanie’s eyes welled up. “I didn’t mean to. I – I am sorry….”

“Sorry?” Stella glared at her. “Your apologies will not solve anything! Do you want to know why I’m so pissed? Well, that’s because you’re TOO BIG and you’ll explode someday if you keep eating like that! Don’t you think you’re more into food than my son!” she yelled at Stephanie, whose tears didn’t stop. But Stella wasn’t done yet.

“You know what, let’s get right to it, shall we? I don’t want you in his life. Do you understand? LEAVE HIM ALONE!”

At this time, Ben lost his composure. “Mom! That’s downright mean! Stop insulting her like that!”

“Shut up, Ben!” his father intervened. “Don’t cross your mother in front of nobody! Have you forgotten your manners?

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Ben could not believe how his folks were behaving. Stephanie, on the other hand, was unable to hold back her tears and abruptly left. “I’m sorry, Ben,” she said before departing. “I had no idea you called me for this! Thanks for INSULTING me like this!”

Ben got angry when Stephanie departed. “Are you two completely insane? What did you guys just do?”

Ben told his parents that he loved Stephanie and only wanted to marry her, but they refused to listen. In fact, because he was still financially reliant on them, they threatened to cut off his financial support if he married Stephanie. Ben was ultimately compelled to quit his relationship with Stephanie, despite his desire to marry her.

Stephanie was in tears as he told her that their relationship was finished. “Ben!” she begged him, teary-eyed. “Don’t do it…We can figure it out. We can do something…”

“I’m sorry, Steph,” he said. “I hope you will forgive me someday…”

Following his split with Stephanie, Ben’s parents introduce him to Mia, a family friend’s daughter.

She was everything Ben’s parents had dreamed for in a future daughter-in-law: slim, beautiful, and breathtaking. Stella and Richard agreed that it was a great method to redirect his focus away from FAT Stephanie.

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But Mia was not like Stephanie. She was cold, selfish, and arrogant. Ben despised her and eventually ended things with her. When his parents found out, they started yelling at him. Ben had had enough.

“Enough, guys!” he shouted. “You are literally controlling my life! Like, I can’t even breathe without your consent! It would have been better if you just threw me out…” he grumbled and walked away, slamming his bedroom door behind him.

Ben began to separate himself from Richard and Stella after that, and he rarely spoke to them. Moreover, he appeared agitated all the time.

Richard and Stella realized they were driving their son away from them, which made them feel terrible. So they decided to make amends by going to see Stephanie. They had no idea what lay next…

Stephanie was perplexed when she heard the doorbell ring that morning because she had not anticipated any visitors. What astonished her the most were Ben’s parents on her doorstep. “Mr. and Mrs. Miller? What are you doing here?”

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Richard and Stella exchanged an awkward look. “We apologize for what happened the last time,” Stella said. “We now understand that Ben would never love someone as much as he loves you. Please forgive us and marry him. We beg you….”

But Stephanie refused. “I’m sorry, Mr. and Mrs. Miller, but I’m not going back to Ben. If he truly loved me, he would have fought for me instead of backing off…”

“But darling…”

“You’re wasting your time here, Mr. and Mrs. Miller,” she cut them off. “Sorry, but I now have someone in my life…”

Richard and Stella noticed a young man preparing breakfast as Stephanie opened her door further. “Tom and I have been together for some time, and we are happy,” Stephanie revealed. “Even more, he and his parents love me for who I am. So please, don’t ever bother me again….”

Stephanie slammed the door shut. Ben’s parents knew they were to fault for their son’s anguish, but there was little they could do about it.