Home Tricks-Tips Put A Pill On The Plants: The Nurseryman’s Secret

Put A Pill On The Plants: The Nurseryman’s Secret

Anyone who has a garden spends a lot of time making sure that the plants and flowers bloom beautifully, at different times of the year.

This means that any information that helps achieve this goal is evaluated and tested.

The secrets of nurserymen.

Nursery plants will always be prettier than those in your garden. This law of nature has a lot to do with the hand of man and gardening

The fact is that the owners of these places use various tricks to prevent the plants from withering and dying . Many of them remain silent and few tell what the tricks and treatments are to have such beautiful plants in the garden!

It is worth mentioning that nurseries use the cilantro technique to grow plants in optimal conditions.

They use these herbs, similar to parsley and belonging to the umbelliferae family. This herb can also be grown in your garden, making life easier for other plants.

According to what has been leaked, the nursery technique consists of applying a little cilantro on the plants since it will highlight the color of the leaves and plant flowers.

Likewise, cilantro prevents the appearance of fungi, repels harmful insects; accelerates growth and protects them from sudden changes in temperature, preventing them from drying out and withering.

Garden: a tablet in plants

If you don’t want to venture into a new crop in the garden, there is something simple and effective that can regenerate our plants in the garden: put some pills capable of reactivate the flowering of your plants. plants.

Even 1 single tablet will be enough for each plant and you will see it take on a new life! But what do these tablets contain?

The tablets used usually contain potassium and magnesium , two perfect elements capable of giving the flowers in our garden a healthy appearance and bright colors.

Sometimes neglected plants can have a faded color over time, using potassium and magnesium tablets, we give more vigor to the plants in a practical and quick way. a>

To benefit from this exuberant and luminous flowering of plants in the garden we have different ways of using vegetable tablets, all of them ideal for our needs.

Thanks to the different doses of these tablets, for example, they can be used for a single plant that requires it. For example, introducing a 500 milligram pill, , into that particular vase of azaleas.

On the other hand, when the plant to be treated is larger, two or more pills can be buried under the ground, at the base of the pot.

The tablets intended for plant recovery can be dissolved in water for special irrigation. We can spray and dissolve the tablets and then put them in a spray with which to spray the leaves and flowers of the plant.

The amount of tablets to use varies depending on the plant to be treated. These mixtures can be used several times a week. Soon you will see that the leaves and flowers regain new life and return to their initial splendor.