Nobody likes to hear nasty comments about their feet being stinky or shoes smelling like a skunk. If your shoes are smelling bad, try the remedies mentioned below. Freshen up your stinky shoes with these tricks.
Why does your shoe smell?
Shoe odor can be caused due to a few reasons but majorly due to bacteria. These bacteria keep growing every time your feet come in contact with your shoes. This leads to more stinky shoes!
Sweat can also be one of the reasons for the foul odor as some people naturally have sweaty feet. This could further lead to multiplication of bacteria.
How to remove the foul smell from your shoes?

1. Baking soda
There is no match for this tool, it works absolutely wonders. Sprinkle baking soda right in your shoes at night and dust it off in the morning. Incase you don’t want to sprinkle it straight onto your shoes you could also make sachets of baking soda. Take a little bit of it on a small piece of cloth tying it with a string. Put these sachets in your shoes to deodorize them. Don’t forget to make two of them!
2. Orange peel
This is the easiest remedy possible, just leave orange peels in your shoes overnight. The next morning you will wake up to them smelling completely fresh. To protect your shoes from the oils of orange peels, you could wrap them in parchment paper before you place it in your shoes.
3. Alcohol
There is no way alcohol and bacteria can live together, so once alcohol enters your shoes its time to say buh-bye to bacteria. Make sure the shoes are dry when you soak your shoes in cleaning alcohol. Dry your shoes properly after soaking them. This process will not just remove smell your shoes at once but will also prevent the bacteria from growing again.
4. Black Tea bags
Black tea bag contain tannins which kill bacteria. At the same time tea absorbs bad odor making it a perfect remedy. Boil the tea bag in water for five minutes, let it cool down and dry out and then place it in your shoes overnight for best results.
5. Freeze your shoes!
Bacteria cannot grow in low temperatures. Pack your shoes in a plastic bag and put them in the freezer. This will kill all the bacteria. Thaw out the shoes after removing your shoes and they are ready to do!
6. Newspaper
This is another easy way to remove smell from your shoes. You can crumble up a few newspapers and leave it in your shoes. Newspapers serve are great deodorizers and can deodorize pretty much any enclosed space.