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The recipe that saved my grandma 17 years ago: How she defeated a tumor in the liver and colon

Seventeen years ago, my grandma had to cope with a challenging health condition, being diagnosed with tumors in my liver, colon and uterus. During the surgery, the doctor shared with her a special formula that has been helping her a lot until now.

This concoction, which she diligently prepared and consumed, played a crucial role in her recovery. The results were astounding – subsequent tests showed that the tumor had vanished. This recipe not only helped her avoid further surgery but also became a staple in her life for ongoing well-being.

A Recipe for Health and Healing

Here, I share this life-changing recipe, filled with natural ingredients, each with unique healing properties.


15 heads of garlic

15 lemons

500g each of ground walnuts, hazelnuts, dried figs, dried plums, white grape raisins, red grape raisins

500g organic wheat

1kg homemade honey

Preparation Method:

Wheat Preparation: Wash the wheat with warm water nine times, then soak it overnight in freshwater. The next day, drain and blend the wheat.

Lemon and Fruit Preparation: Chop the figs and plums into small pieces. Squeeze the juice from 10 lemons and finely grind the remaining 5 lemons with their peel.

Mixing Ingredients: In a large bowl, combine all the ingredients, including the peeled garlic. Use a wooden spoon for homogenization.

Final Steps: Wear a glove and mix the ingredients thoroughly to achieve a dense, dough-like consistency. The mixture can be stored and used for about a month.

A Note of Caution

This formula is just a personal lifesaver, so it is important for you to remember that it is not a substitute for medical diagnosis or professional treatment. Always consult doctor’s advice before starting any new healthcare regimen or making decisions about your health.

Embark on a Journey of Healing

This recipe is more than just a blend of ingredients; it’s a testament to the power of natural remedies in promoting health and healing. It’s a symbol of hope and resilience, a reminder that sometimes, the answers we seek are nestled in the simplicity of nature. If you’re on a quest for health restoration, consider this recipe as a potential ally in your journey.

Source: Simply recipe