Home Health These Foods Make Uric Acid Increase In The Body. Try To Limit...

These Foods Make Uric Acid Increase In The Body. Try To Limit Your Consumption

What is uric acid?

Uric acid is a chemical present in our blood. When the level of Uric acid level increases in our body, it can lead to problems like gout or arthritis. Due to its increase, there is a complaint of swelling and pain in the hands and feet. In fact, when a large amount of urate crystals accumulate in the joints of the body, it causes pain. At the same time, increased uric acid levels can also lead to kidney stones and it can also be a sign of nephropathy or kidney failure.

Genetic syndrome or some medicines may be the reason

There can be many reasons for the increase in uric acid. In some cases, a genetic syndrome can cause fluctuating uric acid levels. So in some cases, due to the lack of enzymes in the body, the amount of uric acid can be high. Along with this, medicines used to treat cancer or thalassemia or some chemotherapy drugs can also be the reason for the increase in uric acid.

These things are not responsible

Experts say whatever fruits, vegetables and pulses people eat, there is no special relation with increasing or decreasing the level of uric acid. Those who believe that eating leafy greens, seed vegetables and fruits like cucumber, tomato, brinjal, okra, pomegranate, watermelon and pulses increase the level of uric acid, then they think wrong. Also, those who believe that any plant in the category of nightshade plants that grows in shady places and which contains the chemical, solanine, also increases the level of uric acid, then this is also not possible.

Balanced diet is important

In such a situation, due to not consuming enough amount of pulses, vegetables and fruits, there can be deficiency of things like vitamin B, niacin or vitamin B3 and folic acid in the body. This can lead to pellagra, which can lead to dementia, diarrhea and dermatitis. Along with this, low folic acid can make you anemic. Therefore it is always better to follow a balanced diet.

Do not consume these things

As per experts, to prevent uric acid levels from rising, you should avoid those things like beer, red meat and shellfish. In which purine is present in large quantities. In fact, purines are formed by breaking down the proteins we eat. The higher the amount of purines in the body, the greater the likelihood of an increase in serum uric acid. Therefore, it is also important to avoid the consumption of things like sugar, chocolate and alcohol as they help in increasing the production of purines. Along with this, it would also be better to abstain from things like liver, crab, beans, peas, asparagus, spinach and mushrooms.

Can consume 

Milk and eggs are low in purines, so they can be included in the diet. Along with this, plant proteins, dairy products and lean fish can also be included in the diet. You can also consume coffee as it helps in controlling the uric acid level. Along with this, you can also consume things rich in Vitamin-C.