Home Tricks-Tips This little-known trick to switch your windows to “winter mode” and save...

This little-known trick to switch your windows to “winter mode” and save energy

When the temperature rises, the cold can enter your home very quickly through the windows. The reason why uPVC windows have become so popular in recent years is that they actually have a function that allows you to reduce your energy consumption and ultimately pay less heating costs.

In this way, you successfully reduce your heating consumption during the cold season.

How can you reduce excessive heating costs thanks to your windows?

Although the heating season is fast approaching for many (others are already here), here’s how you can reduce your energy costs. For example, remember to uncover radiators – never hide them behind furniture or curtains.

It is also important to ventilate the flat properly, i.e. after turning the knob to the zero position, as well as to install thermostats on radiators. Of course, it is also advisable to use the heat correctly and not to set the radiators to the highest heat output.

Heating costs are also reduced if we pay attention to the sealing of windows and doors. A practical trick thanks to which we can use a little-known feature in PVC windows. Few people realise that this insulation protects against outside temperatures.

How do you switch your PVC windows to winter mode?

The winter mode of PVC windows is easy to set. This can be done by adjusting the seal accordingly. Find an adjustment roller, a characteristic metal pin in the frame of the movable window, which is visible after opening. With its help, we can adjust the tightness of the window as needed.

To set the windows to winter mode, simply tighten the screw on the frame by about 90 degrees. Sometimes it is enough to do this with your fingers or pliers, some models require a special spanner. When it gets warmer, simply unscrew the pin again.

The winter mode on windows is nothing more than pressing the seal more firmly against the window frame. This allows less fresh air into the flat or house. Every function has advantages and disadvantages, and so do they. Sufficient air circulation reduces the risk of allergies.

Depending on the type, this accessory is adjusted by turning it by hand, using pliers or a screwdriver. In some cases, the mechanism must be pulled before turning and only then turned.

The main seasonal adjustment point of window frames is the need to constantly transfer them from “summer” to “winter” and vice versa. With strong “winter” pressure, the rubber seal begins to gradually deteriorate.

Owners of PVC windows are often confronted with the fact that this rubber has to be replaced after a few years. This happens precisely because, according to the window manufacturer’s instructions, the sash is not transferred to summer mode with a weakened clamp, but is left as it is after the winter.

These few tips are essential to reduce your heating costs in winter when the window is in full use.