Home News Two-ingredient trick for getting rid of brown spots on your skin

Two-ingredient trick for getting rid of brown spots on your skin

“Everybody has them: old, young, middle-aged, men and women,” says Drew of the YouTube channel Fitlife.

You know what he’s talking about: age spots. The small brown spots that emerge on the skin after spending time in the sun can be attractive, but they are also symptoms of age. This is why age spots form more frequently and in higher concentrations on persons over the age of 50. However, anyone who spends a significant amount of time in the sun may notice them appear on their skin. In the height of summer, you may discover sun spots on your own skin.

What causes them?

Drew demonstrates in a YouTube video that age spots (or sun spots) are caused by the sun’s UV rays. When your skin is exposed to ultraviolet radiation, the body creates melanin to tan the skin, essentially forming an armor to protect the deeper layers. This is why age spots occur on the arms, neck, shoulders, face, and other regions of the body that are frequently exposed to sunlight.

While sun spots are not normally hazardous, if you discover that some are significantly darker than others, have grown rapidly, or have unusually formed borders, you should consult a doctor. If they are red, sensitive, or bleeding, consult a doctor right once.


What to do about them?

To make the homemade remedy, dice fresh onions and place them in a plastic bag. Then, using a heavy tool, crush the onions to get the liquid. Combine the onion and 1/2 cup apple cider vinegar in a blender and process until well combined.

Then, dip a cotton ball or towel into the solution and apply it immediately to the age spots. Drew recommends doing this once a day for optimal benefits. After 2 to 4 weeks, you should see an improvement.
“This remedy might not be an overnight fix, but it’s extremely effective,” Drew tells me.

Can you prevent them?


Though Dr. Willen’s solution for age spot removal works wonders, the best method to deal with age spots is to prevent them from developing in the first place!

According to Dr. Ray Peat, Ph.D., who wrote an article for Harpers Bazaar, age spots are produced by more than just the sun. Your hormones and food may also play a role. Dietary causes include unsaturated fats and an overabundance of iron. To avoid age spots, limit polyunsaturated fats from your diet and consult your doctor about whether your iron levels are too high.